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There are some diagrams and illustrations on our sponsor's site, have a look there.


Having gone with an experienced member this week, we set up a horse shoe pattern for the decoys with the magnet/s placed at the head of the horseshoe leaving the entry point clear for the woodies to land.

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The only thing certain with a magnet is that you will proberbly have to move it . I am a user of a magnate and will move it as soon as i think that it is scaring the birds off or making them jink away to soon . The most shots you will take will be the birds attracted by the magnate but not quite confidant to land in the coys .Shoot them as they pass . Thats why you need to keep moving it until you get the birds into the opitimum postion for the shot . Dont be afraid to move it 50 yards away if necessary . Or as i do some times take it in al together . Harnser .

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Generally speaking, birds will try and come in to land directly behind, (i.e. downwind) of the magnet. They will usually flare off when they realise they've been suckered.


That's why I place the magnet usually no more than 20 yards from the hide, as most birds will still be within range as they flare off.


I would not normally consider placing it 50 yards from the hide as most birds would never come within effective range.



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Cat ,

I to like to place my magnet close in in front of the coys .But woodies being woodies dont allways want to play . When they start to jink before they are in shot i like to move the magnet to the left or the right of the coys about 50 yards ,this then tends to make them jink towards the coys and they then become shootable . I have even set the magnet in the field behind me to good effect when the birds have been jittery . The magnet is very good for pulling the long birds but can make the birds very jittery when they get in close . I wouldnt go out without my magnet ,but they are not the be all and end all to pigeon shooting . Harnser .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the info, took the magnet out on saturday on bean stubble, worked well birds flew in and set near and under the magnet, Had 56 between the 2 of us (should of had more) used a J pattern with a flapper as well.

Good days shooting : :good: Out again tomorrow (saturday) then Bisley arms fair on Sunday,


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