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Watchout for the Blunkett Scam


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From: "David Blunkett"

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 21:01:41 +0200

Subject: urgent






Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire.

TEL : 44 (0) 113 234 2340



I am Mr. David Blunkett, former Home Secretary of the Small Island of Great Britain.

I have urgent and very confidential business proposition for you.

I have a large number of British Rail travel vouchers that I wish to dispose off.


These have been obtained from Her Majesty's government.


I can arrange the transfer of these tickets to your good self. I have lots of experience of this. In return I will require 20% of their value as a down payment. A bank account in any part of the world which you will provide will then facilitate the transfer of this money to you as the beneficiary.


There is no risk at all as all the paperwork for this transaction will be done by the my assistants in the department.

Since the department is reponsible for law and order, this guarantees the successful execution of this transaction.


If you are interested, please reply immediately via the private email address below...

Upon your response, I shall then provide you with more details and relevant documents that will help you understand the transaction. Please observe utmost confidentiality, and rest assured that this transaction would be most profitable for both of us because I shall require your assistance to succeed...





David Blunkett



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Fantastic !!!


On the same kind of vein , my great uncle sent me a Xmas card which arrived the other day . The card in question was a nativity picture . Stables , donkeys , mary , joseph and little babby jesus (you know the kinda thing i'm on about) Anyway G.U. Norm had drawn an arrow pointing to the baby jesus , above which the word Blunkett's appeared .


all the best yis yp :o

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