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Rape Fields


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Hi everyone,


Im very new to the pigeon scene right now so please ecuse me for my novice questions.


I was recently given permission to shoot pigeons from the 1st of feb to the 1st of march after much begging to the gamekeeper.


He said to me from his from door if you go across this first field there are loads of rape fields around 50 acres in all he said. He also said to me they are scattered and not all in one bundle.


My problem is i know what a rape field looks like when its nice and yellow however, in feb i dont asume its going to be looking like that.


My question is how could i identify a rape field between in the month of feb?


I took a walk over the fields to take a look anyway and see if there might be any good hide outs etc etc.


On the field now there are just bare flat green plants is this rape at this time of year?


My last question is! i purchased 10 decoys, would you say this would be enough? The shells i bought were 6's is this a good choice?



Any help or advise? i would be very much grateful.



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It sounds as though you have found the rape fields, but it might just be worth checking with the Gamekeeper, there must be a slot in his day when he could walk you round the place.


There are plenty of posted opinions on the Forums about how many decoys, placements, types etc., its worth having a "search" around.


In certain circumstances I will use as many as 50, other times I will only use 3 or 4.

You can always add dead birds to your artificial decoys, as you shoot them.


No6 shot will kill pigeons effectively.


Good luck. :o

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Thank you all for your replies.


I have a couple more questions that poped into my head tonight.


Are the shell decoys just as good as the real life 3d ones?


And with the hides would you reccomend a camo net? or would real tree camo be just as good?



Any info would be great guys.


Cheers and Merry Christmas



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IMO shells are as good as full sized decoys, especially in growing crops (as opposed to bare drilled fields).

The important thing is to have some movement in your decoys and shells will "bob" nicely in a breeze, better than full sized.


I am quite happy with "ex Army" style cammo nets and don't subscribe to the more expensive "Realtree" type materials. :o


Do you have problems sleeping ? :D

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If you mount your shells with the peg tip just in the slot, they will rock.

You can also buy pegs with an inch of spring at the end, they really work well.


I tend to set my floaters/bouncers half way into and to the side of the "killing area".

If you do a search on decoy layouts, or look on the front home page, there are lots of suggestions on decoy layouts. :rolleyes:

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