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foxes rabbits


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Remember that the shooting community is not a majority, and we are frowned upon (be it, unfairly) by a larger percentage of the country.

frowned upon whatever we do, whatever we kill.

the antis will moan if you take em home or not.

we all like killing bleeh,but few on here will admit it .

can you tell me the difference of a pest controller gassing sets,

with god knows what wildlife living in them.

once they have been killed humanly what more respect can you give them.

you have lost the plot bleeh on this one mate sorry.


exactly, dead is dead I hope the people arguing the toss take their foxes home to cook :yp:


We shoot in a similar way and the farmer drives, he won't stop to pick them up what he wants is numbers kept down, couldn't give a toss about showing rabbits respect as they show him no respect as far as his wheat is concerned. We cover 500 acres on a night out driving round most of the field boundaries in the first tramline so probably cover 7 miles or so so going back is really not an option. If you stop for every one you'll be there forever. We have up to 10 buzards about at times so the view is if they eat the fallen rabbits then it stops them taking any game birds (people may debate this but they don't just eat dead animals) so anyway good pics and sounds like a good night out for the OP

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I feel that the line has been stepped over here for me but in saying that i understand what is being said here from both sides . it seems a shame for me not to pick up as i do eat what i shoot, maybe finding a game dealer to buy the kills would be an option here . but to each there own

Edited by funky
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hi I do know where i can sell ther rabbits and hope to do so when we get on top of things . at a gess i and lamber man probebly shoot over a lot of land so its realy a quaston of getting as meany down as *** . i would like to pick up but it realy dus take a lot of time, meaning we not getting rid of the rabbits

Edited by strudwick
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Jeesus, this one has been done to death before.


I shot over 6000 rabbits last year (God it was a good year) I picked up maybe 100. I burnt some, I burried some, I left a shed load.


I'd need a freezer the size of a hospital morgue to put em all.


The only thing that matters to me is the farmer is extremely happy with my shooting. It keeps me with over 5000 acres of land to do what I love doing and at the same time help control vermin. Dont care if the anti's dont understand, dont care if anyone on here dont like what I do or others like me.


Happy days.


(Oh hello again everyone) I actually went out today first time in ages. Was out all day only shot 2 bunnies. Both 150 yard head shots, the moral of this story is have a month off, it improves your aim :good:

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I shot over 6000 rabbits last year (God it was a good year) I picked up maybe 100. I burnt some, I burried some, I left a shed load.

hi lee.

we do what we do mate and good luck to you. :good:


just one question to the lads who talk about lack of respect.

Can you tell me how selling the dead for a few coppers shows it.please.

Edited by markbivvy
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I think what is misinterpreted here is the meaning of 'respect for your quarry'. Leaving them in the field or picking them up has no bearing on the respect you have for the animal at all. Respect for quarry is ensuring you dispatch it as humanely as is possible. I also think there's alot of 'out of sight, out of mind' here too. Picking them up only to discard them is no different to leaving them in the field.


Alot of it comes down to what sort if shooting you are doing. For me its simple,I don't eat much rabbit so have no call to shoot them unless I can move them on to someone (friend or butcher etc) or the land owner wants them controlled. But what shooting I have is small scale, compared to what others have. I know of one large estate near me 1,600 acres, where the Estate Manager has no quibble with the Rabbits being left on the spot. If he doesn't mind, why should I. Sadly, I don't have permission for it.

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I dont understand some people. Antis will use any thing to do with shooting as "Fuel" weather it is someone shooting a pair of teal on a coastal marsh for a meal or someone leaving rabbits in a field after they have been shot. The last thing shooters like our selfs need is other shooters (who should all stick togother) banging on about trivial BS like leaving rabbits in a field. i suppose i should keep quite about the rat i shot in my barn the other day just because i wanted to shoot it.

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