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Made a stupid decision how best to rectifie ?

Salop Matt

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Okay folks this is my situation, Back in Febuary I bought a brand new PB Silver Pigeon 12b 28" MC. I love this gun to peices and dont really want to have to sell it but here is the mistake I made.


At the age of 15 I was bought a Miruku 12g which was great and I came to shoot it well but as predicted i kept it untill jan this year and what fitted me then didnt when I sold the miruku but as I grew I kept shooting the gun and well but it still didnt fit me. Where I made the mistake was I went looking for a new gun and went for the abpve described silver Pigeon only I bought it with a very simlar fit to my old Miruku :good::rolleyes: and it felt great, what iv come to find now is i can see all of the rib and the bead and the stock is a bit short, leaving me shooting 2ft over everything ! This was proved when I shot a friends Miruku MK70 and doubled my scores ! I definatly dont want a mk70 it was to big and heavy for my likeing and I didnt like the second bead half way down the rib! Also its twice the price of my silver pig.


I need some friendly advice ( I know i messed up and dont need reminding) Is it a case of just getting the stock altered ? I desperatly want to keep this gun !

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A good gunsmith can bend the stock if it is only a small adjustment that is required.


A friend of mine had the same problem with his silver pigeon, our local gunsmith was able to bend the stock to fit him perfectly.


A word of caution, do not attempt this yourself it is a specialised job requiring special jigs and no small amount of experience.





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My dads had work done by wisemans of cannock before and it was very good but apparentlt these days there prices are huge and are into work thats just not nessarsary !


Iv had Doverridge mentioned as being good but couldnt afford to shell out much more than £100 absolute tops.


Any one shropshire / midlands based that can give me some recomendations of where to go ?


Would never attempt any work myself !

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The mk70 sporter uses the sporter rib (wide with middle bead) the Games does not. However the Game has less drop.


If you dont like the weight, try a 28" mk60 I was very surprised how big a difference 30" barrels and the lack of adjustable chokes made to the weight of the gun.


Have a look at any browning miroku and you will see there is a fair sized bulge at the muzzle to accommodate the chokes. If i was buying again i would have an mk60.


By the way the reason you like the miroku is probably the long standard pull it has and the extra drop it has over a browning/beretta. Be warned not all the mirokus are like this, some of their 38 range are alot flatter.

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