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Maximum shot size - for my gun ? ? ? ?

Salop Matt

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Guys I have a PB silver pigeon 12g 28" bought in february this year new. I cant find anything that tells me a maximum shot size or load. I want to buy a box of 25 carts to carry a couple with me when out rough shooting incase i encounter a charlie.


In 28g or 30g what size is the largest shot i can run through a full choke safely ?


Would BB`s be to much or just fine ? :yes:

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Why through a full choke?


I have shot AAA's and SG through a shotgun but never found the need to go more than 1/4 choke.


You get dire patterns anyway



To keep a tighter pattern, making more pellets hit, giving a stronger chance of a out right kill. I dont want to just pepper and injour ! :yes:

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You won't though, IMO larger shot patterns worse through a tight choke than it does in an open one. If you hit a fox in the right place at sensible range with anything bigger than a no. 1 then it is lights out.


If you hit it in the back end then nothing is going to kill it outright.

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Granted about shot placement but having had the chance bag serval charlies over years Iv never actually done it because of the no ground game rule when shooting in company which I always do !


I tend to shoot 1/4 & 1/2 on everything other than skeet, but if youv had no problems and good results with a open choke using the larger shots then I will give that a bash :lol::yes:


Will get myself a box of 28g or 30g of BB`s and felt wad :good: and wont use them past 25 yards ! :yp:

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