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is it ok?


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A shotgun (with or without a magazine with a maximum capacity of 2 cartridges) come under sec 2 of the firearms act and rimfire and centrefire rifles etc come under sec 1 of the F A Act (interestingly so do parts of said weapons including moderators designed for use with such). As you have a Lowlander I guess you already have a SGC, which covers you ONLY for all said sec 2 shotguns. A firearms licence covers you for ONLY sec 1 firearms (unless you apply for sec 5 prohibited weapons in the case of humain dispatch etc) thus you need a SGC for shotgun and a FAC for firearms - simple really.


Re coterminous certificates - this basically refers to applying for both certificate and licence at the same time and they run coterminously (ie for the same period - 5 Years). If you apply for them both at the same time you get a reduction in overall cost due to the reduction in admin the Firearms licencing folk have to do....


So there you go - If you want to get a firearm, including a shotgun capable of holding more than 2 cartridges in a magazine, you need to get a Firearm certificate. If you want to keep you shotgun as well you also need to have an SGC....

Hope this helps.

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Dammed good thread Lowlander. :welcomeani:


I'd like to hear more on this if anyone feels they can contribute any thing else. I had no idea I could request/use/send in a variation for/acquire a shottie. I have been asked to despatch caged fox, and have often fancied occasionally doing a bit of roost/crow squirrel bashing but just carn't be ***** to go down a whole new route again for the occasional use.


More info please - with suggestions of what I could look for.

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