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After all those various derogatory comments were made at vimm for bringing the level of the site down . I feel i have to comment on our friend Napier .

It's not vimm bringing the level of the site down , it's intellectually challanged people such as Napier , and his friends .

As i have suggested a few times on here , is it about time we had a little test , to see if members are "fit" enough to put finger to keyboard .

An observer looking in on the site might tar us all , with been on the same intellectual plain as .... Napier and his ilk .


all the best yis y(einstein)p :lol:

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After all those various derogatory comments were made at vimm for bringing the level of the site down

Kick his ****!!


Could not find the posts you talk about, i was always told to tread carefully until you know who your talking with.


Opps seems someone has not gone by the same advice :lol:

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I can see your only 15 , and very excited about being let on the net without your mummy and daddy watching over your shoulder .

Usually when most adults "converse" they put a little thought into what they are saying . You on the otherhand do not even come close to engaging your brain .

You sir are what i would term as a fool . IMO the site was a lot better without your mindless posts .



all the best yis yp :lol:

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bit harsh lol,


maybe you could have PMed him to ask him to think about what he posts, on the other hand he did just start another thread on 1.77 vs .22! is the search function so hard to use? :lol:


there are other members on here who spam much more than him and are seen in every other post, they know who they are :lol:


EDIT: After looking on his profile at what he's posted it looks like he's trying to spam his post count up lol i agree with you :lol:

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