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foam pigeons

henry d

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This months Sporting shooter has an interesting article on making decoys out of foam.It also includes a pattern and if someone out there with the technical know how and the mag could post the templates then we could make them for our own use(therefore no copywright infringement,as they tell you how to do it etc.)

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You can buy foam decoys now and I bought two with outstretched wings ages ago, for my rotary .


On the rotary, or on the ground, they don't like the wind.

As they are so light, they want to bend into all different shapes and you spend a lot of time chasing them across the field.


The colours are not very convincing and fade quickly.

Which is not suprising , as foam does not give a very good surface for paint.


The ones you speak of may be entirely different, but if they are made of foam and they are light, I expect they will have the same drawbacks as the ones I bought.

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henry d, I ain't into shooting messengers (and certainly not Melinda). :sly:


I'm just recounting me experiences of wasting money on what I thought was a good idea.

Something I have done plenty of times. :D

Ern and I will tell you about the hide poles one day, or perhaps the Advantage camouflage material , or the .................... :lol:

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Have you ever sat in your hide in winter on a rape field employing all manner of decoy tackle which is either whirling round or flapping, only to see one pigeon arrow down like a stuka into the crop completely ignoring your ploy and way out of range?


Remember that old guy - Archie summat or other - he advocated throwing out a dead pigeon from the hide in an attempt to draw the attention of passing pigeons.


Well guys, I've been experimenting with his 'technique' and, believe it not, there is some mileage in it.

However an additional component was required, I fashioned a large strong catapult from a forked piece of hazel with a span of approx 24cm / depth of fork approx 30cm, handle to suit and using a strip of tractor innertube approx 3cm X 460cm.


Test firing a dead pigeon ('percy') in the back garden proved useful as a few adjustments were needed but once I had made these I was confident of both a pretty straight trajectory and consistant range - approx 25 metres from 65 degrees.

Once out in the field it works perfectly, I can fire a 'percy' right out among the decoys just as if it is landing, it really looks authentic.

The dog also plays a main part in things by retreiving 'percy' so to speak thus enabling it's ('percy') continued use. I am not sure as yet just how much mileage there will be in one 'percy', but obviously I will confirm this when tests have finally been completed.


The first test came, for my new 'percypult', when out on the rape between Xmas and New Year, from my hide, for real.

Wow, it sure brings in the pigeons and once I became proficient at judging the time span from seeing passing pigeons to launching 'percy' to picking up gun and shooting, I was able to make a respectable bag of pigeons.


The main benefit of a 'percypult' is clearly there for everyone to see, you can

leave your battery powered gizmo's in the garage, just take a handfull of shell deeks, at least two 'percys', a bumstick (just in case) and instantly you have reduced your equipment weight by at least seventy five percent!



Make your own 'percypult' I've given you the rough dimensions above and for those of you who are not creatively gifted you don't have to take out a mortgage to get a 'percypult', the large 'bait launcher' (catapult) is avaiable from most US angling catalogues for about $2.50 + carriage.



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