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Lead vs Steel shot and pollution


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Ref comments on farming - firstly take a look at this link: http://www.defra.gov.uk/vla/diseases/docs/...ead_prevent.pdf


Speaking from an insurance point of view we have had claims for lead shot in apples and from an shooting lease point of view have had shoots excluded from land growning lettuice, cabbages and the like due ot the risk of falling shot contaminating the products.


Iron can be a poison for sure, dammage to the GI tract in over dose cases or accute / chronic liver dammageor lung / heart dammage causing death or long term morbidity...but let us not forget that iron salts are used in the water industry to clean the water we drink in many cases.


Like all things there are instances when something that is toxic can and will be used safely, take mercury in fillings for example.


As for BASC trying to get lead banned, rubbish! Take a look on our web site re our policy on lead, and please do not make silly statments like that which are baltently wrong.


As to the CPSA, well as far as I am aware they are in a strong financial position, but cannot easily find their stance / policy on lead, perhaspe you could post the link here AF?




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I will admit I was once of those who moaned like hell about moving over to something new when we did-All the alternatives available including the early steel loads were very poor performance wise. There was also many people who said they gave up wildfowling when the non-toxic rule came into force, mainly the old school. In reality it was hogwash, they were just old duffers who's time was up and were beginning to feel the cold. I got on with it, tried everything out there was (and still do when something new appears) and made it work for me.


I think there will always further challenges to the way we do things in our sport, as there is many other pastimes. There are rules that appear everywhere in sport-If you are a boxer you have to have a medical to allow you to compete same as I believe people do who participate in certain motorsports. There would have been a time when it was'nt a rule, and this is where the issue of change comes in.


What we must realize is that although things like this are percieved as a ploy just to get at shooting and erode it, in fact my opinion it is not. If a goverment wants to stop shooting or more to the point stopping gun ownership, then all they do is stop it and say you cant do it anymore. Nothing you or I can do about it apart from have a whine, they run the country not us, the power of the people counts very little in this society these days.


To finish off, if they ban lead all round then we will need 4" chambered guns. I dont mind steel but you just can't get enough of it in them there shells like we could with lead.


There will be no way we will be able to knock out wheelbarrows or tree stumps should the need arise...... :yes::lol:

Edited by starlight32
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Well I will say one thing for you,


You don't disappoint.


I neither think I am important on here or care what you say. You have shown how arrogant you are on more than one occasion on Claysporting and as there is a bit of a debate on here you think you will come over and bully your way in.


You obviously pay your subs to the CPSA, can you tell me what they are doing to prevent a lead ban? It won't take long as they are more interested in paying off the CEO and stopping themselves going under.


MC, regarding Angelfire I beg to differ, Angelfire and myself rarely see eye to eye over on claysporting but he has never once been rude or aggressive towards me, or indeed any other member to the best of my knowledge.

I rather feel you are mistaking Angelfire for another regular poster on claysporting who SHOUTS A LOT. :blush:

I do however agree with a lot of what you have said on this thread and others.




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