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Lee enfield 303 converted to .410


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Im pretty sure the lee enfield didnt have a detachable mag. It had a fixed mag and youd load 5 rounds into it with one of those clips that held 5 rounds in a line :lol:

Atleast I think it did lol :lol:


Also I think the ones converted were just single shot. You popped a .410 in the chamber and closed the bolt each time you shot :lol:

Edited by Bigthug87
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Ive only ever seen the one and it was it great condition. My FEO had it after it was handed in. I dont suspect that there will be many about as it is illegal to posess one with it having a detachable magazine



There are loads around, just look in the back of most older gunrooms and there will be one or two (often in bits!). I've had several, on average anywhere form £100 for a rough one to £300 for total mint condition.


As for the legal side - alot of N0. 4's etc had there mags crimped and welded in place for SGC or alternatively just put on FAC. So they are not illegal in any way! Just got to find the right ticket to match it.........

Edited by Tiff-BBS
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Just looking at my 1944 lee enfield no4 mk 1 , To qualify as a non fac shotgun they have taken the magazine follower plate and welded it into the top of the magwell in the receiver ,Then cut the lips off the magazine and then welded the empty magazine shell to the receiver . the it was stamped on the magazine by the birmingham proofhouse as magazine restricted.

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I have a Lee Enfield No4 thats 410 cal, it has a detachable 303 mag. "]BUT [/size]you have to load 410 carts in the top,Only shoots one at a time, Does the normal bolt action though,

Although it is a shot gun it has to go on FAC not SGC because of the detachable Mag`

Good fun to shoot :good:

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i've seen these, there are places that convert them from one to the other, and can even sort out de-activated enfields.

as far as this detatchable mag thing goes, all lee enfields had detachable mags as far as i know, later marks had 10 round mags that were charged with two 5 round chargers. my SMLE obviously has a 5 round mag, but i think they've found a way of fixing the mag permanently.


BTW: to me it seems a desecration to .410 a live working .303 lee enfield, thats is unless its de-activated.


I would have thought i'td be a bit unweildy too, although light.



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