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Christmas + New Year Holiday


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I went back home for xmas and new year holiday.

With my father in law we went deer stalking. First 2 outing were not successful. Following evening, while walking in the forest we managed to get closer to a group of reds. They were very wary and I had to take quite a long shot. I shot at a red hind but we had problems to find it. I thought I had missed but my father in law was not convinced... We gave up looking after her after 2 hours.


Then we drove to different place and I managed to shoot a roe doe. It dropped instantly.





The same day we also got closer to another group of reds and I selected a small child. It dropped after a few meters.





Following morning we were at the same place where I missed the hind. First sign that something was wrong was that we met a deer exactly where I shot the day before. Even worse... we spotted a few ravens. We looked around the place again... and there it was. The hind changed direction and dropped at the place we did not check. The bullet hit a liver but also touched a stomach and its content blocked an entry wound and that is why we did not find any drop of blood. I gralloched it and the meat was still ok due to low temperature. The game dealer took it with no problem. Ravens did not make any damage to the carcass except from eating one of deer's eyes...


Following evening we went looking for a fallow deer but surprisingly we met boars. One of five we met dropped after a heart shot 40 meters away. Small, about 20kg male.





Following morning we finally found fallows. From a group of two hinds and two children I took one male child.





During following few days the weather changed dramatically. It started snowing and temperature fell below -12 degrees Celsius.

We went a couple of times to the forest to find some more boars but unsuccessfully. We found fresh wolfs' marks on the snow. I guess they were after boars as well.

When the temperature fell below -20 degrees we gave up stalking but the forest in snow looked great.








Edited by glogin
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