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Ferret Help

Evil Elvis

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:good: One of my daughters ferts is poorly. It was her birthday on friday and we took her out and got back late so she didnt check on the ferts until saturday morning.Unfortunately, Bills water bottle had jammed and he was shaking and dehydrated. I made her stay up witjh him all saturday night, giving him rehydrate, he slept on her chest all night. He was not interested in food which is a bad sign as hes a big fert and loves his food. This morning i was at work at 07.00 so when i got up i tried him with some pigeon meat and a baby rat(still warm) he ate the rat and the pigeon meat, and when I got home tonight I gave him 3 more baby rats and he ate the lot, hes stopped shaking but his gait is very unsteady...he can walk about 10-12 steps then his back legs give way. i dont think its the paralysis that they get when old, hes 3-4 so I was wondering if anyone had any other hints or tips. I really didnt expect him to survive the night he has improved imeasurably but I wondered if theres anything else I can do?It will break Harlie's heart if he doent pull through ???


Mods I have posted this here for maximum viewing if that ok?

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This happened to me about 3 or 4 years ago, I thought my Jill was just not drinking but later found out it was her drinking bottle that was not working!! (I felt really bad).


She was very weak and would not eat a thing, she would just lie in my arms looking at me!! I took her to the vets and they kept her in over night and re-hydrated her, bought her home the next day and she gradually got her strength back over the next week and half!!


She is still going strong now at 7 and half years old!!


To this day will never use a drinking bottle again, i always have a bowl of fresh water in with her and change it twice a day!! She sometimes knocks it over but at least i know she can drink it whenever she likes, I learnt a valuable lesson that day!!


I hope Bill gets better soon!! :good:



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:good: Hes eating like a pig!!! He ate a plate of dry ferret food and 2 more small rats today. Hes getting about a bit better, unsteady but getting better.Im fairly confident he will make a good recovery!!!! Phewwwww.....no more bottle im going to buy some heavy ceramic bowls like the ones i use for my bigger snakes.Thanks for asking LB :no:
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Seen it take a couple of weeks before EE and I have no idea why and the ferrets forums weren't much help when I needed help.


If you are using plastic cage water dispensers give them some baby bottle sterilising every now and then although I'm sure you are up to speed on this already.







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:lol: Hes eating like a pig!!! He ate a plate of dry ferret food and 2 more small rats today. Hes getting about a bit better, unsteady but getting better.Im fairly confident he will make a good recovery!!!! Phewwwww.....no more bottle im going to buy some heavy ceramic bowls like the ones i use for my bigger snakes.Thanks for asking LB :lol:


Good one EE, I got a couple of the dog ones so mine can drink and pretty much bath in it aswell!!


At least you know he is getting the water tho mate, those bottles just are'nt reliable, I hate to think how many lives they have claimed!!! :lol:

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:welcomeani: Thanks guys...HES UP AND RUNNING TODAY!!! massacred another couple of rats and is eating dry. Walking round like nothing happened !!!!!


I should really have known better about the bottles tbh, I have lost numerous cages full of rats when the bottles have jammed, that said, rats are dirty and block them up themselves, the ferts dont tend to do this.


HOWEVER, i just cut the offending spout open and it is furred right up with calcium carbonate......I live in a very hard water area too.


Maybe we should do a post about not using water bottles for ferts and pin it?


This is the offending article:


Edited by Evil Elvis
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Living up here in the slightly cooler climes of Scotland, I use 2 water bottles and alternate them, however as it seems to be both the cold and limescale, perhaps you need to de-scale regularly as well.


for those who use bottles, if you have trouble with water freezing in the tubes int he winter and that causing jamming, then go to the chemist and get some glycerin its clear and is a liquid, when you fill the bottles up in the winter add a few drops (i used to use a little dropper) and add about 1ml of glycerin, to a bottle of water, this stops the water from freezing and doesnt affect the animal (i used to keep rabbits so i have experience)...

Random question which may sound weird but has anyone heard of feeding rabbits porridge? (or ferrets)

i know it sounds weird but i used to give the rabbits some(just made up with a tiny bit of milk and water from the warm tap) never seemed to do them any harm, i only gave it to them in winter as an extra to their food, it was funny as i had one rabbit that used to pull his bowl into his hutch and eat a bit of it, then cover it in straw then go back every hour or so and have a bit more... weird or what... i mean it cant have done them any harm, they lived to a good age, but yh thats my thread highjacking over :blink:


Happy shooting



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