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Mentor for a .17hmr!


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I do like a good storey ,so before I tell this storey


Anybody heard of a new FAC being granted with the condition of a mentor for a .17 hmr!


I had not seen it on here so I have asked the question.


A guy I know has had his sgc for about a year and in his thirties,we got talking on a day out rough shooting as I hadnt seen him for a few years. so in catching up he tells me he wants to get into deer stalking as I do, so I said why not come out and fire a few rounds on the .22LR & .17HMR he had a great day out and fired about 300 plus rounds and we talked about all the aspects of shooting with the rim fires,security,back stops etc etc.

long storey short.

He applied for his FAC put down fac air .22lr plus 17hmr and (c/f22hornet thinking he may get knocked back on his first fac)


he has only fired a .22 once before so thought that if he could demonstrate that he had fired a few rounds and understood a few things he would be ok.


I was amazed at the outcome.


He was granted his fac (.17HMR only refused on the rest) on the condition that I be with him at all times. his fao called to say could I write a letter confirming that I would.

He has permission on a couple of farms I shoot which are cleared for up to .243 and 22.250


I am glad to help out. I just had not heard of anyone outside of deer stalking .243 etc

having someone go out shooting with them as a condition


Although I am happy to help out,mindful of any issues that may arise if he makes a mistake under my supervision.


If I keep a log and diary of every outing:- day time,rounds fired etc I suppose its a few short months before I write a letter to say he is competent

I guess this puts the pressure on me to say he competent.

Edited by Hunter2
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I do like a good storey ,so before I tell this storey


Anybody heard of a new FAC being granted with the condition of a mentor for a .17 hmr!



Nope, first request got .22 and .223.


Then added Section 1 shotgun, .17 hmr and .243.


Had "with experienced shot" on .243.


Then added .308 for boar and deer


Not had the ticket a year yet mind you ???

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can't say ive heard this got a 17hmr and .223 on my first aplication with no mentor, this gets my blood boiling with the fuzz because there is no consitancy across the country fron county to county. one lets you have HMR for fox the other one say no. then you get the mentor thing. some let you have an open ticket some don't bloody joke. i know spreaking to BASC this is something there trying to sort out but it my take some time

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I really don't see the point.... It is down to the shooter to be responsible as to how they shoot and they are ultimately responsible for any mishaps.. I can totally understand FEOs holding back on FACs for unsuitable persons (or considering mentors) for younger shots with little life experience (even though this would probably be 'ageist' or against equality law to be exact) but in reality we all have the right to own firearms if we can give suitable reason for owning such weapons. Adding a stipulation that one should have a mentor before legal shooting can commence is surely in reality in breach of our rights as subjects of the queen.... Legislation states certain things about who can own and shoot firearms and in what conditions (I dont recall anything about over 21's being supervised.... I could be wrong). And - What, after all, makes a 'mentor'?.

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Wait 'till West Mercia guys read this.

Most will say yes for .22 & HMR.

I had this condition for .22 then I, when the condition was lifted, plus others mentored a guy with a HMR.

I'll add I've had shotties for over 20yrs & had been a member a rifle club / range for over nine months plus visiting for a month before joining.

One of my mentors was in the next county / Police authority area, he'd only had his fac a short time, about a year more than me, he had no mentor condition on his grant.

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