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told off for pretending to shoot a pigeon


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Wait until the GCSE in Clay Shooting comes in; pretend to shoot a pigeon, "sorry practising for my GCSE in clay shooting!". Our school has a CCF and we have also sorts of weapons. Our own range, military funded armoury and Ammo Store with 5.56mm single shots /.22, rifle and air rifle /LSW .223 (full auto). And the odd RPG/Pistol. We are one of the few slowly decling state schools with a CCF.

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well mr ferret master to cut a long story short i said what was the prob with what he done n he said we dont like children to pretend to shoot each other like play war games , i said he wasnt he was acting out what i like to do at weekends surley its not as bad as playing war although i think theres nothing wrong with that . at least he dont go round pretending to stab people which i would not be happy about . that was one thing he did agree with. he said it shows alack of respect towards animals. but i assured him my son and i have great respect for all animals and i would definatly tell him off if he was ever cruel but i know he would not as i have taught him not to and that i would be the first to say something if someone was. he then said how can you say that if you go out killing things at the weekends. basicly he was calling me a hippocrite. i tried to explain about field sports and pest control.but his answer again to this how can you say you are teaching him to respect animals when you kill them. by now i was starting to shake with rage as he was so narrow minded about the whole thing and would not listen to what i was trying to explain. in the end i just said you personaly dont like any form of hunting shooting or fishing. no was his reply. by this time my wife could see i was getting slightly ****** off. she said to him its not your place to to try to push your personal views on to our son when you clearly have no idea what you are going on about. he just sat back and said we do not advocate the use of guns in play. i had to get up and walk out before i punched him . when my wife came out she said she was going to make a complaint against him. and i have told my boy if he wants to pretend to shoot pigeons to do so. thank god not all teachers are like this ***** or we would all be stuffed.

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My 5 year old got told off and called a liar by the teacher because he told his friend he loves pigeon pie.

Mind you his favourite is BBQ squizzer :wacko: :blink: :/

stag :D


My 5 year old daughter has her mate at school asking what she is eating, so she says "pigeon pie" (in red wine sauce, onion, garlic reduction put into hot water pasties/pastry)......................... so all her friends say ..........yuuuuukkk........ so she replies " you just don;t know what tastes nice".

Now then, we live in the country and you should think that these kids would know better....... personally speaking, I blame these commuter parents who tell county folk who have been living here all their lives how to do it. IT's A BLOODY LAUGH


BTW, the teacher who 'unduly' tells off my daughter has not been born yet!!!!!!!! B) B)

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its not the first time ive heard this story mate, my mate had the smae complaint from school about his son...pretending to shoot birds...

its sad that a guy like the head at your sons school is allowed to abuse his position of authority and force his opinions on you at the expense of the niavity of you poor son.

there is just no logical reasoning with these ,half the time meat eating, hypocritical, idiots.

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My little lad who is four was asked what he done at the weekend and he told his teacher and class that he had helped me skin and gut rabbits and pigeons. When the wife picked him up she was asked to go and see the headteacher and she had repeated what he had said but unlike most of the posts on here where they have been negative she just wanted to make sure he was telling the truth and not just making it up. After the wife explained he regularly goes out with me and was telling the truth they were more than happy and the next day he wore his realtree gillet and explained that it helped him hide from all the wild animals..............bless

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