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Computer security pop up's


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Again last night the computer was plagued by a annoying pop up which I can't get rid of.


Windows 2009 Anti virus, offered by the computer's operating system. Another security firewall blah,blah, blah that they basically want you to buy but give you little option as it blocks internet access after you open a page or two. Every time you open your computer it goes into a system scan and allows you to do very little else :oops::D


How are these companies allowed to infiltrate your system with a product you have not asked for and make it difficult for you to refuse by meesing up your computer's operation? :sly:


You would'nt mind but it is a product forced on you by the compertor's operating system and the way I see it it is no different than planting a virus in computer such as those of a criminal nature do.

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Hi Starlight,


This sounds very similar to a problem I have just resolved for a friend. It may as well be a virus for the good it does.!!!


His version was called something like "system security" and was installed like a program. It kept popping up warnings telling him his system was unsecured and he had x number of viruses etc. It also did lots of other wierd things like hijacking his google search.


Nortons couldn't detect it as a threat, nor could it be uninstalled through add remove programs. So after searching the net it turned out to be a common problem and some free software was downloaded to remove it. It did remove the program but did not resolved the google problem.



I would google the exact name of the application, it should be in your programs list and see if there is a common solution to the problem. If your not having any luck PM me with the details and I will see what I can dig up.





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It's a virus, I had it last week.


Do not, repeat do not enter any details of your bank details if you are able to get that far.


It's nothing to do with your computer it's just designed to look like that so you think it's genuine.


I used Malaware software free on the internet to get rid of it but you may have problems as I couldn't get internet access and had to use a colleagues computer to download it and then transfer it across my memory stick.

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Hi Starlight,


This sounds very similar to a problem I have just resolved for a friend. It may as well be a virus for the good it does.!!!


His version was called something like "system security" and was installed like a program. It kept popping up warnings telling him his system was unsecured and he had x number of viruses etc. It also did lots of other wierd things like hijacking his google search.


Nortons couldn't detect it as a threat, nor could it be uninstalled through add remove programs. So after searching the net it turned out to be a common problem and some free software was downloaded to remove it. It did remove the program but did not resolved the google problem.



I would google the exact name of the application, it should be in your programs list and see if there is a common solution to the problem. If your not having any luck PM me with the details and I will see what I can dig up.






I have phoned the computer shop and indeed it is malicious software. They have had a few people actually buy it and the monies end up somewhere in Holland.


I cannot even get onto the internet so do-not know what to do to remove it.

Edited by starlight32
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I have phoned the computer shop and indeed it is malicious software. They have had a few people actually buy it and the monies end up somewhere in Holland.


I cannot even get onto the internet so do-not know what to do to remove it.



If you cant get on the net how did you post and reply :oops:?, anyway if you cant get on the net get someone you know to download malewarbytes from the net and burn it to disc and then run and hey presto end of your problem...


heres the link http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php just download, you dont need to pay for it, only if you want realtime protection

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I did a post on here a while ago about an antivirus someone downloaded.


The 'Antivirus 2008/2009' is a program that has been called an antivirus software, but it actually does nothing. It tells you that you have loads of viruses and that to remove the viruses you have to buy the software. The viruses don't exist on your computer, they're made up.


You buy the software and it does nothing.


Simple rules for buying stuff off the internet;


If it's software, just quickly Google its name "Antivirus+Review" and you'll see if it's any good. I do it with just about everything I buy.


Stick to the popular brands: Mcafee, Norton, AVG, Kaspersky, etc etc. Just Google antivirus and the best ones will show first.


If a popup comes up from a site, don't click it. If a company needs you to forcibly see their advert, you need not download or read their stuff, as convincing as it looks.




Anyway, save your money with the computer shop. Search google for removal advice for the program you've downloaded. There'll be loads of people that need it, so it will be online. Follow the guides and it'll save you a few quid.


If all fails, PM me and I'll find a guide for you and talk you through it

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Actually, I forgot you said about your computer not being able to get on the net.


Right, follow these instructions.


When you turn on your computer, in the first few seconds it will say "press F2, F8, F12" or an "F" number. Remember which one it said, turn your PC off by pressing the power button again.


When it says to press the button, do it. You will be faced with a screen that allows you to choose how you want to start up your computer. Select SAFE MODE.


If you press one of the "f" buttons and it says BIOS menu, or you have loads of computer info come up, ignore it, and restart, there will be another "F" button selection for you to see at some point.


When your computer starts up in safe mode (which will take longer and looks funny) it will run on only the basic programs to keep it running. Try and find the files that you no longer need. (Usually under Program Files) (Or, ideally, find the instructions on how to remove the file off the internet and print those) I WOULD FOLLOW THE LATTER OF THOSE TWO as you can cause SERIOUS damage to your computer if you start deleting stuff willy nilly.


PM me if you need any help

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If you cant get on the net how did you post and reply :oops:?, anyway if you cant get on the net get someone you know to download malewarbytes from the net and burn it to disc and then run and hey presto end of your problem...


heres the link http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php just download, you dont need to pay for it, only if you want realtime protection



I posted a reply because I on my laptop at work.....

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Actually, I forgot you said about your computer not being able to get on the net.


Right, follow these instructions.


When you turn on your computer, in the first few seconds it will say "press F2, F8, F12" or an "F" number. Remember which one it said, turn your PC off by pressing the power button again.


When it says to press the button, do it. You will be faced with a screen that allows you to choose how you want to start up your computer. Select SAFE MODE.


If you press one of the "f" buttons and it says BIOS menu, or you have loads of computer info come up, ignore it, and restart, there will be another "F" button selection for you to see at some point.


When your computer starts up in safe mode (which will take longer and looks funny) it will run on only the basic programs to keep it running. Try and find the files that you no longer need. (Usually under Program Files) (Or, ideally, find the instructions on how to remove the file off the internet and print those) I WOULD FOLLOW THE LATTER OF THOSE TWO as you can cause SERIOUS damage to your computer if you start deleting stuff willy nilly.


PM me if you need any help


That still will not kill what he has got, believe me malewarebytes will kill it dead in 5 mins I aint found anything yet that that cant handle, if he cant get on the net then everyone these days has a pc ask a friend to burn it to disc

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