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bsa cadet


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I have an antique air rifle book which lists info on the cadet, i dont have it with me at uni so cant have a look for you!. I have a cadet major just as part of a collection, i chronographed mine and it was very low powered. I wouldnt advise you to hunt with it, but great for plinking, the open sights are very fine and being a very light gun its very easy to shoot with.



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  • 4 weeks later...

fantastic little gun. keep an eye on the leather seals, over 50 years old after all.

there is the ovious one when you break the barrel and there is another inside the action.

check the break for slackness - i dont think mine was ever used as fits as snug as day one - but a break that is loose shows that it is well used and a little tired.


showed my dad who remembers a mate of his shooting his mum in the eye with one when he was a kid - just think nowadays that sort of thing would have national concequences!

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