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Meet Molly


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Hi all


I have been toying with the idea of getting a companion for those long lonely trudges around the permission for a while, and finally decided to take the plunge, and here is the result:




Her name is Molly, and she is an 8 week old Chesapeake of good working stock.


She is settling in very nicely, and is learning where it is ok to take a dump and where isnt, and is calming down more and more when left alone.


Once she is good and ready I will be looking to train her to retrieve and flush, so stand by for lots of questions :good: .



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I was wondering how the viewing at the weekend went! Really happy for you Zapp, she looks lovely.


One word of warning... Get her out of the "chewing" habit ASAP. This week Ted's had a digital camera and one of my wetsuit gloves and both are a bit fscked now.

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