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my handy work

dan browning gts

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yer it is a hushpower 1 and it was made for the 410 not shot it yet but it not come off i have boored it out at a tapper and put 4 grub screws threw in to the barrel and by using enginers blew got the taper just right and presed it on and in case thats not enuf put extra strenth loctite on it

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yer it is a hushpower 1 and it was made for the 410 not shot it yet but it not come off i have boored it out at a tapper and put 4 grub screws threw in to the barrel and by using enginers blew got the taper just right and presed it on and in case thats not enuf put extra strenth loctite on it


AAhh! Ok, I thought it looked like a standard large calibre rifle sound mod! Nice work. I'd be interested to know how quiet it will be. I might invest in a hushpower..!

Edited by harfordwmj
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You eill never get a gun completley silent. I know a few specialist firearms that will be VERY quiet once set up properly, but not inaudible.

Ammunition itself is the key to the amount of noise produced. You will need to use subsonic cartridges to make any real benefit from the moderator. Thats the only way you will get a 60% reduction in the noise level. (if that!)

Looks like a nice setup, enjoy it!

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You will need to use subsonic cartridges to make any real benefit from the moderator.


I agree, you would think so, but I use normal supersonic carts in my identical setup and there is a massive difference between modded and unmodded. The only time I get any real report from the gun is when it is fired near a background which reflects the sounds, like a wood for example.


Using this set up and standard non sub carts it is very common to hear the "slap" of the shot hitting the target (especially crows) above the report of the shot.



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