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Improved Cylinder.


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Everything I have says that IC and 1/4 are the same. Both are 0.010" constriction. Cylinder is 0, Skeet1 is 0.005", IC- 0.010", Skt2- 0.015", etc.


The fractional chokes are 0, 0.010", 0.020", 0.030".


That makes 1/4 = IC, 1/2 = mod, 1/1 = full. 3/4 choke would be light full or Imod, depending on how you call it.




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Improved cylinder is 5 thou, 1/4 is 10 thou.


The problem is that American choke sizing is different to English and the Yanks use the term Improved cylinder to mean 10 thou.


English choke sizing is.....


cylinder none

IC 5 thou

1/4 10 thou

1/2 20 thou

3/4 30 thou

Full 40 thou

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ah, well that would be the difference then. I'll have to watch that on fixed choke english guns. 1/2 and 3/4 in a fixed choke gun will be mod/full to me. So really what I want is either IC:1/2 or 1/4:1/2.


So I guess the question here then is does reed's IC mean american or english? I'm going to go with American since it is a winchester. Guess the only way to really know is to put a caliper on it.




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Quick one. I have a winchester which only has one choke!


Anyways, it says "improved cylinder" is that the same as 1/4?


I shoot ok with it, im just wondering :good:


Could be the American 'Skeet' choke.


There's a table halfway down this page that lists them all as the 'merkins have them.



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