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Importing guns


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Hi everyone. New to the forum but been reading the posts for a while, great site with some good advice.


My question is, how easy is it to import guns from abroad or does the red tape make it prohibitive? Seems to be some good deals in the States where I'm going shortly and was wondering if it was worth while trying to bring one back with me?

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you'll have some difficulties in buying it on the US side. You can buy it, but you can't receive it. US federal laws prevent non immigrant aliens from buying and taking possession of firearms (long guns included) in the US. The firearms dealer you buy from is able to sell you the gun, but it must be directly exported. To do so, the dealer must have an export license from the Department of Commerce.


You'll then need an import here and you'll be liable for import duty and VAT. Once you factor in the shipping, it likely won't be worth it for you unless you are talking about very high dollar items at really good prices. The exchange rate isn't doing you any favors.




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I did a trial import of 4 guns. $168 over there - landed at about £400-00 each here and took 6 months to get through all the licenses and paperwork, plus the guns had to be proofed here as well. Thats when $ was 2 / £ and its down 25% on that now. As soon as its a gun, the costs of transport, storage, clearance etc all go through the roof as specialist services have to be used.


Truth is its very unlikely that you will make any saving over buying the same gun imported in bulk by a distributor here.


The only reason for doing it might be to acquire something rare and unobtainable over here, if you desperately need that gun only.

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Nope - expect to pay 6% import duty, VAT at 15% and customs clearance and handling charges - plus reproofing at around £60-00.


The gun has to have a DTI ( via SPIRE) import license and will need to be handled by an RFD as, unless it was already English or CIP proofed, you cant walk through customs with it - it has to be handled into the proof house by the importing RFD and re-proofed before you can have it. US proof is manufacturer certified on batch testing - CIP standard is destructive testing on all guns, it survives 30% over pressure and is proofed or you get the bits back, your loss.


Nightmare, buddy - just forget it

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No, they can't gift the gun to you legally. Non immigrant aliens are not allowed to receive firearms from non FFL dealers. FFL dealers are not allowed to give the gun to you (in hand) and must ship them directly over.


Plus as clayman said, you'll still get VAT and import duty.


I didn't know about proof testing though. I haven't had to have mine redone since I already own them and the are personal use.


About the only way I could concieveably see a loophole is if you were traveling with an american resident/citizen. They would own the gun and check it in at the airport on the US side. When you get to customs on the UK side, you'd have to collect the gun. It is legal for you to bring guns in from other places into the UK so long as you are permitted to have the gun here. You have to declare it at customs and they put it on your ticket (and charge you VAT/import as applicable). Theoretically, you are entirely legal for him to bring the gun in. He sells it to you on the plane and it is yours. Then you bring it into the country. Seems like a whole lot of trouble, and I'm sure there is something I'm missing in that chain.




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