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Hi All

i have just tried my franchi 712 for the first time this morning and it wouldn't cycle the cartridges.

the cartridges used were hull comp x 28grm 7.5 65mm plastic wad.

has anyone had a similar problem and if so what was the soloution.

i am not sure if it is the gun the carts or me.

the gun is clean as a whistle and doesn't show much signs of use it is 5 years old


any help would be much appreciated


:good: :unsure:




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It will most likely be he 65mm cartridges! I do't use comp x's in my beretta auto any more they cycled fine, but the brass on the head seemed "soft" as managed to clog up the trigger mech wh brass. A friend also using a beretta auto had the same problem.

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When you cock the action, do you encounter an area of increased resistance when the bolt is around halfway back, even when the internal hammer is cocked?


I had a 712 which had a fault whereby there was something causing just enough of the rearward motion to be obstructed as to cause a stoppage.


The signature stoppage for this fault (I found) was the partial re-chambering of the spent case. It would happen with anything less than 30g carts.


The gun was still in warranty so I sent it back.



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