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Worcester councillors approve twinning with Gaza


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What is all this about?




The place I lived in when I was a kid had a very active twinning association. It regularly organised reciprocating visits for us and the residents of our twin town in France.


I can understand the Palestinians wanting a trip to Worcester, but I'm not so sure there will be many Worcester residents wanting to go to Gaza. ;)


If the councillors can't come up with a better place to twin with than that, perhaps they need voting out at the first available opportunity :hmm:

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Its just a joke :(


Unfortunately most things political are! :hmm:


Twinning means that local councillors (notice how many are out of work claimants these days???) can visit these places at OUR expense! :lol:


In this instance it's a purely political statement and one man (most likely) who's sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. As with most politicos they expect the rest of u8s to fund their barmy idealogies! :cry1: **** wits!

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The only thing worcester has in common with Gaza is that theres nowt here either , and as a worcester resident I protest . As if they could not find something else to waste money on . They could try spending it helping the growing numbers of people that have lost their jobs and homes in the area. But then they would not get a holiday out of that would they.



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