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12g semi auto


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I have been thinking of buying a semi for a while now. I don't know that much about them and was wondering what I should look out for when buying one.

I am looking for a secondhand one as I don't want to spend that much, maybe a Escort with Magnum chamber.


Also do Escorts have problems with certain makes of cart?


Any help about semi's would be appreciated.



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i again dont really know a great deal about semis but i am looking into buying an escort 3 shot due to the lower recoil factor that you get with a semi, and the extra shot when dealing with difficult pigeons

from what ive read on here some of the escorts can be cartridge fussy but the majority of people have never had a problem with them,


most of what ive heard is good and that they are a solid gun for the money


you should be able to pick one up second hand for around the £250 mark in good condition (dont quote that :good:) but they are around £300 new


hope this helps



Edited by BaikalsRule90
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Some Escorts have trouble cycling 65mm cartridges. If you get a 3.5 inch magnum, then that causes problems with lighter/smaller cartridges.

I have an Escort 3inch magnum. It's an 8 shot FAC and I have had no problems (yet) with 65mm cartridges. If you buy 70mm/32g, I think you will okay. The Escort is a good gun, some have had problems, but most have said that theirs is okay.

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I had an Escort semi but got fed up with looking for far flung empties.I changed it for the Escort pump and cannot fault it. I think a pump action is a great compromise if you want a few shots without worrying about cycling.


Agreed - Got a remi wingmaster a couple of months ago and it's the nuts - As it's a pump it'll cycle anything and you can fire as fast as you pump - Much fun!!!!

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Provided you clean it properly you shouldnt have any hiccups.The barrel isnt a problem,but when you look down it (when removed from action) you can see two small holes-these are the gas ports which need to be kept clean.


Someone gave me this great advice concerning gas operated semis=clean barrel as normal then when the solvent has evaporated-wiggle a piece of wire through the ports to make sure theres nothing is in there.Most bore cleaners will leave a small amount inside the ports during swabbing and soot from fired cartridges then sticks to it.


The only bad thing i find with my Escort is the distance spent cartridges get ejected.When shooting on friday i was impressed cause one managed to get 15ft from me! :hmm:

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