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One of those weekends

Ozzy Fudd

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Im having one of those weekends, the type that unless you laugh youre gonna throttle someone :good:


it started off on friday morning, it was a non uniform day in work in aid of comic relief, the only condition was that you had to wear something red. i was running late as usual and grabbed the first red t-shirt i could find, a red rangers away shirt. that was my last piece of luck since then, i caught on before i walked out of the door and quickly changed it for the next red t-shirt i could find - which turned out to be pink, and a size too small forme, so i spent all day in work looking like daffyd from little britain :lol: then in work i started getting **** from one of the managers, which then caused a bigger row because she hadnt gone through my own manager first to give me ****, it annoyed her so much that my own manager rang one of the directors and had a go at her - never a good move!


finally got out of work and went to the pool with one of my mates, i was going shooting at 7 the next morning and didnt want to be getting drunk and dying of a hangover, so thought it would be a good alternative. we got there and i realised id left my wallet at home :lol: luckily he had enough to pay us both in, but that meant no chinese on the way home :cry2: when we were in there i had a, lets say, small disagreement with some teenagers who thought i wouldnt mind 5 of them piling in on top of me in the jacuzzi for no reason (pointing out they were male and stop thinking dirty thoughts you ****!!) and then trying to get me thrown of out the place by telling the staff they were in it first and id shoved them out of the way. luckily richie was there, he has a good way of stopping me killing people... :mad:


so managed to get home without any more bother, got up at 6 the next morning, got showered, got the gear on, filled the ammo belts and got the guns sorted. was sitting waiting for dennis to arrive to go shooting when i got a text saying his gf was sick and he had to take her to the doctors. so much for shooting then, so spent the morning cleaning the dog pen. things started looking up a bit later in the afternoon, richie rang,said he was heading to the gunshop to pickup his lanber, and did i want a few shots at the clays? oh yes, great idea, so i went to pick up the mossberg.... and that started a major row with katya (the usual ****, i never talk to her anymore, i drink too much, i havnt given up smoking yet, blah blah blah), so had to forget the clays. we were supposed to be going to her friends house last night for a party, til i got ****** off told her to go on her own - in a slightly stronger way :lol:


so neither of us went, i was getting the silent treatment alllast night, so went for a few quiet drinks. met two friends in one of the bars, we were the only ones in it, so had a good laugh, playing pool, putting music on, the usual. we had a great night til 3 other guys walked in. theyre all dog men, i know them and theyre civil enough, but of course it was that weekend. after spending 20 minutes listening to the merits of catching domestic cats in a cat trap, releasing them into a hedge and sending a pitbull cross in after it (these guys live close to my old house, and we had a few cats disappear without reason when i lived there). so after telling them that and hearing that they probly caught some of our cats i did what any sane individual would do - lifted a pool cue to show them the error of their ways. again, mates stepped in and did the sensible thing, dragged me out of there and fired me into the house :hmm:


so there we go, thats my weekend. the final bit of news was getting a text this morning from richie about st paddys day; its our tradition to go out shooting in the morning (feels good having a gun in you hand on st paddys day :lol:) before going on the ****; but not this year, he was off monday instead and had to work on st paddys day itself, and i have no way of swapping my work rota :oops:


so anyone else having as good a weekend as me?! :blink:

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whilst out fishing yesterday i had a couple of non license toss pots come over to me and start fishing n my spot and trying to nick my gear, i got ****** and told them to **** off, they got roudy about it, they, managed to tangle lines with me and i got ultimatley ****** off, and got up walked over to a near by tree took a nice thick branch in hand snapped the ****** off and went after them, my mate stopped me... then i got home last night, to notice i had lost my pair of £15 forceps, which really ****** me off. but other than that it was good... :hmm:

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i`ve been washing windows and plastic fascia round the house all weekend. looking forward to tuesday though try and get some shooting time in.take a chill pill, you must be easy annoyed :hmm:


na mate, im usually the most easy going person you can find, just having one of those weekends (and the week preceding it wasnt much better, that cop that was killed was one of my ex's mates)


ah well, im looking forward to tuesday now, even if im heading out on my own :blink:



ps - that songs stuck in my head now shot shot :good:

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Hey I totally know what you mean. Last night at work I was trying to close a table, counting the chips and some guys come over saying: £5 on Black. I was like...does it look like I am open?! :hmm:

I hate Saturday nights at the casino, you get all the drunken louts with no sense and no decency.

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ps - that songs stuck in my head now shot shot :good:

always glad to be of service :blink:


It has been raining all damn weekend, and cold too.. Global warming? WHERE! We are usually swimming in the lake by the first week of April.. Feels like i am in Merry old England, or our equivalent- Seattle :lol:

now lee, don't get carried away, england isn't the one thats wet, northern ireland, that's a whole different story :hmm:

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always glad to be of service :lol:



now lee, don't get carried away, england isn't the one thats wet, northern ireland, that's a whole different story :D


no theyre both wet, were just a different kind of wet (all ni guys will understand this :lol:)


Me and the family have this cronic sinkness and diareea bug (Norab) for the last week now (i've lost a stone at least) You should never under estimate the feeling of being normal...




sounds like the results of a night on the vodka to me... :good:

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