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dung heap, dog fox

ricky green

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phone call of the farmer yesterday,saying he had seen a fox mooching around his pig pens,so arangements were made and was there in last night.Had a quick drive around and sprinkled some secret attractor(out of date whiskers picked from the pound shop) around the field just to help my cause :rolleyes:.dorve the car back to the yard which is about half mile or so.Got my gear on and started to work my way around to the pens,when i got to the field quick shine reveled a pair of eyes behind the dung heaps :angry:.the trouble was when the light whent on he would duck behind the dung :good:,so i put the caller on,but same again,this time he turned and started to walked around the back,unlucky for him because there was a gap between the heaps and that was his downfall,about 90 yards,dts,through the boiler house :angry: had a long walk around after that but nothing else seen :no:


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