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Joined up with BASC today


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Right lads and ladettes, Are there any ladettes on this site?


Just to let you know I have joined up with BASC so hopefully now I am fully on the right side of the law.


What I cannot see is a telephone number to contacts them for enquiries on there site. Seems to be well hidden.


Or is that just me?




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I will remember all the above. I will proceed with more caution next time!


Out of curiousity was BASC the one to go with or should I have gone with another company for the insurance...


just wondered what your thoughts were.



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Welcome on board!


When you get your card, on the carrier you will get a list of all contact numbers, plus the cotact detials for your local BASC office.


Remember we are here to help you when you need us, and more importanlty we are here to keep shooting safe.


I get on this forum as often as I can, but you can always get hold of me either by PM or by e-mail. daivid.ilsley@basc.org.uk


Best wishes



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