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bad Ebayer


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Name: Andrew rout

Ebay screen name: andrewrout


I emailed the above last weds to enquire about ending an auction early for a logun gun lamp. He said £50 posted so I sent the cheque off the next day. By mon morn he still had not received it and when the auction ended mon night I emailed him to say sorry for any inconvenience (there was none for him as he had made more profit than he would have had he sold it to me) and to ask that if he received the cheque, could he send it back?


By thurs there was no reply so I again asked him if he had received my Email and was it ok to return my cheque? I got the following reply – “IF I EVER RECEIVE IT I WILL RETURN YOUR CHEQUE”. I left it at that. The next day I received the following Email – “you will need a much bigger cheque than that when I take you to court for libel you *****”. I emailed him back asking why he was so angry? He said that I had accused him of being a liar and a cheat? (when did that occur?) Im quite worried as this bloke potentially has £50 of my hard earned cash.


Anyway, I will not be dealing with him again.

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i agree wholeheartedly. i am not slagging him off though. just letting people know, word for word, what was said. if it seems as though i am slagging him off, i apologise, it was not meant to sound like that.

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im inclined to believe he really has not received the cheque. what im angry about is the needless agressivness and abuse.


plus it costs £10 to cancel a cheque and im hoping he wont be silly enough to do that if he has received it, as i have his address. they are worthless if not cashed withing 6 months

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If you report him bear in mind ebay will prolly tell you it is your problem as you tried to instigate a deal without their fees being involved.

yeah i know. i just cant believe he became so aggressive over something which is


A) not a problem for him

:) not my fault

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this is why ebay warn people about doing deals outside their terms and conditions.


the only time i would consider doing a deal like you tried on this one is if i was able to pick the item up in person and make payment in cash.


cancell the check and put it down to experiance.


have had a quick peek at the guys feed back and 98% out of more than 200 deals is a pretty good feedback level.


and if anyone else is curious here is the link to the auction in question:


logun lamp auction


ROB :)

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hi all just a quick update.


i cancelled the cheque (saying it was lost in the post) about a week ago. since then i have recieved a further two abusive Emails from him (i have sent him none), one of which contained roughly 50% swear words.

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