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whats the best pellets for shooting woodies n rabbits?

mark newby

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the best pellets are whatever shoot the most accurately from your gun,

pellet placement is the most important thing when shooting quarry.

It's worth getting a Pellpax sampler and seeing what works best for you...


Domed pellets are going to be the best bet for woodies and rabbits as they are the most stable in flight (thus accurate).

Closer shooting (rats etc.), then you may want to try hollowpoint or flat headed pellets

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Bisley magnums mate i could not recommend them highly enough they kill like no other pellet and for a .177 they are an absolute match made in heaven, they are not rounded or pointed they are an in between and in my airarms group extremely well




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  • 3 weeks later...

Promethius are not that good for hunting they do fly flat and fast and penitrate well and will work well with good head shots. I have shot a rabit straight through the chest in the past with promethius and it ran off as if it had not been hit after 40m it droped over dead a littl bit like deer do. I was lucky it was a long way out from its hole.


In .177 I favour the Bisley premiers over the Magnums but each to their own. I would probably go for the magnums as a second choice if there were no premiers in the shop.



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the best pellets are whatever shoot the most accurately from your gun,

pellet placement is the most important thing when shooting quarry.

It's worth getting a Pellpax sampler and seeing what works best for you...


Domed pellets are going to be the best bet for woodies and rabbits as they are the most stable in flight (thus accurate).

Closer shooting (rats etc.), then you may want to try hollowpoint or flat headed pellets


......and yet there were eight more replies after this.



Top advice, no need to add any more.

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Bisley magnums mate i could not recommend them highly enough they kill like no other pellet and for a .177 they are an absolute match made in heaven, they are not rounded or pointed they are an in between and in my airarms group extremely well



i would go along with that but would say they are rounded/domed..


only problem i find with these is when they begin to drop of they drop of fast, so for me theres no long range shots with the magnums..


all though pellpax will be the way to go

Edited by larson
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Anyone tried the Defiant pellet range.?They do a sample pack with three diff head sizes to see which your rifle prefers. Tests in my two air rifles have shown they far outshoot AA field Domed (which were my preferred pellet) in accuracy and penetration. Very imprssive pellet. take a look at them on BAR, doubt you will be dissapointed.



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