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Fox shooting wanted

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as titled. I am very interested in a more dedicated fox control as aposed to taking the odd one on one of my golf courses. Due to my 3 year old closed licence the land must be surveyed for a .223 and i may need written permission (i know this sounds cheeky but its just the way it has to be to keep m within the law as i dont want to affect my opening of it in 2 long long years time) I will trade rabbit or pigeon shooting in return. Cheers all!!!!

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as titled. I am very interested in a more dedicated fox control as aposed to taking the odd one on one of my golf courses. Due to my 3 year old closed licence the land must be surveyed for a .223 and i may need written permission (i know this sounds cheeky but its just the way it has to be to keep m within the law as i dont want to affect my opening of it in 2 long long years time) I will trade rabbit or pigeon shooting in return. Cheers all!!!!

an open ticket can be granted after any time period, 5 years is BS.

if you have good reason and a good few rounds used the firearms manager can open it.

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They do say that at first but i dont think it is set in stone.

I would think 3 years and quite a few rounds used up should justify opening it up but on the other hand does it realy matter if they can post code check land for clearance (as this is what they do most of the time)

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I only added the licence part initially instead of getting a chance of some shooting then having to bail out or cause any time wasting. Its a pain i know. And possibly alot of people dont inform their local force whilst out shooting but thats what 80% of my permissions dictate. starting to wish i hadnt posted this as its just turning into a debate rather than the intended request. never mind it gets us comunicating. cheers all! :rolleyes:

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I've had the same problem with the same people Mosa.


Having been told by them that they NEVER open ticket, and that it is NEVER up to the shooter to decide if lands safe, at that point I stopped the conversation and called BASC. I'm currently getting my case together to argue the point. Faced with a postion which just plain wrong what are you supposed to do? Quote the law to them? Good job it took my breath away when they told me.


Anyway, the home office guidelines say the condition can be removed once you demonstrate comeptence, not after a certain time period has elapsed. I have the orginal PDF doc, but I can recal where the link is.

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