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Please help.


Hopeing to go out at the weekend but the question is do I go on some new permision which has got beans about two inches high or do I go on rape which has been kept down? The feilds are either side of a wood and pigeons are getting on both.

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Please help.


Hopeing to go out at the weekend but the question is do I go on some new permision which has got beans about two inches high or do I go on rape which has been kept down? The feilds are either side of a wood and pigeons are getting on both.



You would be better not worrying at this stage but to make the decision on the day, pigeon are very fickle, changing their preference even half way through the day.


The weather will play a major part in the scene that you find when you arrive at the field, a rough guide would be to observe what is taking place the day before, but it is by no means certain thats what they will be feeding on in the morning :good:


Judging by some of your questions imo you should seek out someone who,s been at it awhile, and lessen the angle of the learning curve somewhat.


Atb D2D.

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I would go on the rape but as most of the guys have said you cant really tell until you get to the fields and see what the birds are doing.


It is unusual for pigeons to be feeding on beans that are already growing, if it was peas I would understand but it just seems strange to me.


Good luck mate. :good:

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