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:D old mr. Jonno seems very quiet at the moment, he's probably still sitting in his bed with the quilt over his head, ******* himself off over the attention he's getting! I've thrown plenty of people like him out of nightclubs, they start trouble then stand back in a corner and watch the mayhem escalate (very brave). These sort of people are usually social misfits with no friends, destined to always live at home with mummy, never have a girlfriend and get all their kicks from the internet. Does this ring any bells jonno? Well you **** away you sad little maggot, and the rest of us can sit back and be grateful we're not you! My respects to gary's family, jon
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:D old mr. Jonno seems very quiet at the moment, he's probably still sitting in his bed with the quilt over his head, ******* himself off over the attention he's getting! I've thrown plenty of people like him out of nightclubs, they start trouble then stand back in a corner and watch the mayhem escalate (very brave). These sort of people are usually social misfits with no friends, destined to always live at home with mummy, never have a girlfriend and get all their kicks from the internet. Does this ring any bells jonno? Well you **** away you sad little maggot, and the rest of us can sit back and be grateful we're not you! My respects to gary's family, jon


just like all the other serial killers :lol:

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