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Rabbit advice please.


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The sheep farm I shoot on has really had an explosion in rabbits. I have been bagging the odd one or two,mainly with lamping. Only taking what I can use for the table. Tonight there were "herds" of them and the warrens have started being dug in the middle of fields rather than the hedges so I guess the farmer will see them as a problem. I only have a sgc but only get the odd hour or so for shooting due to work etc. Is there a way of shifting large numbers with the shottie or is it time to apply for a fac to get a rimfire? Farmer said a while back he would support my application.I used to think that going fac was not worth the hassle for a recreational shooter like myself.I always enjoy walking the hedgerows with the sg but at the same time want to be useful around the farm. Cheers.

Edited by vole21
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You can shift large numbers of them with a decent air rife set up, but depends on the distance you will be shooting at. Air rifle ok to 40/50yds, otherwise you may be best looking at your FAC for a .22 which should be effective to 80yds. The 17HMR is also a very useful rifle which will take you out to 160yds for rabbits, but is not as quiet as the .22. A .22 with a sound mod is very quiet and also very cheap to run with 100 rounds costing around £9.

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You can shift large numbers of them with a decent air rife set up, but depends on the distance you will be shooting at. Air rifle ok to 40/50yds, otherwise you may be best looking at your FAC for a .22 which should be effective to 80yds. The 17HMR is also a very useful rifle which will take you out to 160yds for rabbits, but is not as quiet as the .22. A .22 with a sound mod is very quiet and also very cheap to run with 100 rounds costing around £9.


You know it makes sense! Have some fun.

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if there is as many rabbits as u talk about m8 get yourself a ferret and bolt them shoot them with the shot gun u can get a big amount of rabbits in one day i no i did this on the land i beat for and i was only there 2 hours shot 23 rabbits its simple m8 safety comes 1st goes without saying so makesure u safe. take a person to ferret for u and go get some rabbits on ur days off fields sets are the best they have to run clear


cheers liam

Edited by liamlumsden
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If you like shooting, then why not take up the opportunity to get an FAC? Most people would snap the farmer's hand off at the chance to be given land to get them an FAC.


It supports the increasing numbers of FAC holders and can only shove two big fingers up at the government to show how important shooting is, as a sport and as a means of work.

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If you like shooting, then why not take up the opportunity to get an FAC? Most people would snap the farmer's hand off at the chance to be given land to get them an FAC.


It supports the increasing numbers of FAC holders and can only shove two big fingers up at the government to show how important shooting is, as a sport and as a means of work.

This would be a big motivation too,as well as the bunny zapping capacity. I think it was the Hunting Ban that spurred me to get my SGC.Thankyou.

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If it's that massive a problem, gas them.


I tried but whenever I tried to sit over the hole I got distracted by horse riders and could not "let go" :blush:

Cheers for the replies guys.This probably is not the problem on the scale that I have seen round here with whole hillsides honeycombed,there are just many more of them than I have seen on this farm.I think the railway embankment being cleared of undergrowth has caused them to shift to this one field.The farmer might have his own plans,I dont often see him but i will pop by theb house and see what he says.I have been getting a couple a night with the torch and hushpower and stop because I didnt need any more.If he wants rid I will do longer sessions and freeze or use for crow bait what I dont need.

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ferrets are a really good way of cleaning out but only with a good team and alot of watching ie; studying them at low light from a distance seeing how many there are and how they use there burrows, i would go for netting but ferreting now is abit risky as there,s young about and laying up is a reall possability (good on a spade) if you got a sgc get a nice 410 with a modderator and walk round with a gun mounted lamp. if still no joy ask owner if you can install a gasgun for a couple of weeks if not near his house ha ha and try your luck after that. iv,e had good results

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I have had an offer to shoot with a local and very experienced rf shooter(PW member) which I will take up hopefully. I need to know the angles of where I can shoot if I had .22 rf because I definitely know which ways I cannot aim a rifle on this part of the farm as there is a railway and houses. Further up the incline are houses about 800 yards away. It has been passed before for CF so I need to learn the mechanics of these things even before I put pen to paper.It all hinges on what the farmer wants me to do but I have put in nearly 3 years of keeping 150acres 99% mole free plus thinning out the crows etc so I think he trusts me.I am sure I could be more useful with something longer ranged than my shottie.

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