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Blaser F3

Chris B123

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I bought mine in 2006 the number is F/OO4621, the gun tested in Clay Shooting magazine in 2004 had a serial number P/FVOO29.


When they next tested a gun in 2006 the number is F/004875.


There is a proof code on the barrels I think that it's the two letter one starting with A the second letter could refer to the date.


Why not e-mail them they are good at replying to questions.

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Hi Mike, The reason I wanted to know the age was because I have read on some previous posts that the Blazer had some problems with the blueing rusting on earlier guns but this was rectified on later ones. The one I have is the 32inch competition model. I was told by the dealer it was only three months old and by looking at it I can quite believe it not a mark on it. My other gun is a Browning 525 30inch and after using the F3 I am not sure about the 32inch barrels but after seeing the price of a new 30inch set for the F3 (£2400) I think I will get used to these. Thanks for the links to the Blazer websites. Chris.

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