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gun not fireing


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With the gun unloaded, fire the first barrel and then bump the stock on the floor - This should kick the second barrel in - pull the trigger again and it should go click - If it don't get it to a gunsmith (or back to the dealer if still under warranty). This happened to me on my Lincoln and got sorted out for about 40 quid.

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  • 2 months later...
With the gun unloaded, fire the first barrel and then bump the stock on the floor - This should kick the second barrel in - pull the trigger again and it should go click - If it don't get it to a gunsmith (or back to the dealer if still under warranty). This happened to me on my Lincoln and got sorted out for about 40 quid.



Yeah my Lincoln Premier, has just started doing this to me only yesterday, it's not cocking correctly, as there is no internal movement when you pull the trigger (like the saftey is still on as described by bigdog), its defo not a primer problem as no mark on the cartridge/primer either, its not the barrel selector either


opening and closing again seems to fix it, I shot about 75 yesterday and it happened about 3 times within my last 20 shots,


After cleaning it last night I did about 20 test fires with those empty/blank cartridges you use for storing your gun and prolonging the life of your spings etc (cant remember correct name for them) anyway it worked 100%, so think it's as it gets warm it gets a bit gunked from the excess oil from the incorrect storage for the last few months because I have been storing it barrels up, have been told to store barrels down as any excess oil after cleaning will run into the stock and the trigger mechanisms when stored barrels up, common sense really and so obvious when you think about it, it just never occured to me :-(



I think it will need to go in the shop for an internal clean to get it back 100%, and its still under warranty as only new in March


other than that its been a great gun so far, but I'm still a total newbie and learning every day

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  • 3 weeks later...

Similar but different! On Sunday put 100 cartridges through, 50 bottom & 50 top. Four times there was a "click" but no "bang" from the bottom barrel. Waited 30 seconds, opened up and found striker had hit cartridge but not hard enough to fire it, changed cartridges around, closed gun and both fired OK. At first thought it might be poorly made cartridges (Eley First) but changed brands (Kent Velocity) and the same thing happened.


Newish gun, less than 1,000 fired, always well oiled after use and stored barrels down then cleaned with dry cloth before use.


Any ideas?

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Had a similar problem with my skeet gun a while ago.....................I had tried 21gram carts, it wasnt enough recoil to select the other barell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................went back to 28grams....spot on...Older guns seem to need a bit more ooomph!!!!!!

what carts were you using??? :good:

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