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Silly question but it's a country topic


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I'm eating a family sized cottage pie right now (wife and little'ns over her mum and dads again :lol::P back Saturday)


Yer yer, i know, you fat *** !!



Shephards pie's is called shephards pie because it's made of lamb right- sheep=lamb, shephard look after sheep


Why is cottage pie called cottage pie?


Beef-cottage, cottage-beef :lol:???



Oh, and i've had a nice bottle of red :D (wife's away!!)

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Still none the wiser though :lol:


This is a post i had off Scoobynet, not sure if it's a wind up though :lol:



The difference between cottage pie and shepherds pie is that cottage pie is made from beef (the cows being kept close to the cottage for milking) and home-grown vegetables, whereas shepherds pie is made from lamb & potatoes (the only things available for eating in the far-flung grazing pastures).


What do you think?

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  old rooster said:
It's because the cows used to be kept inside the cottage many years ago. Not vast dairy herds, just the odd one or two on small holdings.

Thanks OR,


At last i have the answer i've often thought about when eating cottage/shephards pie.


Paul, i'm tring to finish off the 4th bottle now mate :D got to do it before anyone sees as i'm now in the office ;) ;)



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  apbuild said:
It's called Cottage pie because i believe that you should take one to the public lavvy's when looking for a boyfriend!!!




:D :( :lol::lol:


George Michael Likes Em....


Whats white and slides down the toilet wall.... ????


George Michaels latest release...



Sorry i know its and old un but I couldnt help myself... :lol::lol:

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Thank you to George Michael!!!!!!


Last year he got me a fantastic job from the local council here where I live. Story goes that there was a post on an Internet gay website telling of the address where George Michael Lives.


Needless to say that the local car park toilets became a Mecca for gay 'fans'. The council accepted my tender to make the toilet block 'Gay-proof'. I had to strip out the cubicles, (where you sit to do a number two), and the first thing I noticed was that someone had drilled out a two inch hole in the dividing partition. Don't know why!!! ;);):D (Should have seen the smeg underneath the hole). Rubber glove time! :lol:


I then had to build a solid block wall to seperate the urinals from the W.C's and put the door into the W.C's on an outer wall so the attendant could see who was going in and out.


Even whilst I was doing the work, men resembling Aled, The only gay in the village, were turning up only to find the toilets closed. Why were they all carrying Tesco bags?:(??


Apparently as I have been told, the feet go inside the bag so if the attendant looks under the door, he doesn't twig that the dirty bleeders are in there together!!!!! :lol::ernyha::ernyha:


Still, solved our local problem and they have now moved on elsewhere!


Hope I didn't offend anyone or put anyone of their dinner.


By the way, anyone accuses me of being gay because I know all of their antics, I'll come around and roger you senseless!!!!!!





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