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real pigeon decoys

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hi all.. can anyone please help me

i had a good talk with a old boy in a pub after a long day shooting.

who has used ( INJECTED pigeons !!! ) for years :oops:

as hard as i tryed i couldnt get out of him how he done it.

he showed me one of his (INJECTED) decoys and it was as hard as a rock but lighter than a dead bird

i just cant think what he injected it with

then he told me its was 2 YEARS OLD . i nearly fell over :D

so if theres anyone that can please help me.

cheers david :sick:

Edited by David 686
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I've seen something in a book (don't have it to hand so can't recall the title) about preserving dead pigeons as decoys. I think part of the process involves injecting formaldehyde into certain places? Apparently these make superbly effective, long lasting decoys, the downside being they are a bit fragile - you can't ust lob them into the bottom of your bag with all the other gear if you want to use them again.


Is that what the old boy was on about?

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They used to inject them with formalderhyde..... a very dodgy practice ....

I didn't know it was still legal or possible to do it, i read about it in the 60's or 70's in the shooting times i think.

You inject the bird in several places to preserve it, and it eventually dries out ..... mumified !


It is very dangerous stuff though.... so be carefull if you fancy using it.


Dave :sick:

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