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Free Floating Barrells


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Got my new CZ home but noticed a lil problemo :no: Seems like the barrel is more to one side of the stock than the other :P Its free floated but I think its not quite floating as its slightly touching the stock on the left side :)


How do you rectify a problem like this please guys ?

Thanks for any help :good:

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First off, I'd see how it shoots. But if it doesn't shoot as you like, then I'd suggest taking the bareled action out of the stock and re-assembling it a time or two before you do anything. Sometimes it could have a small piece of material in a bad spot or something else making it be off center. If it is still touching after that, and you want to have your barrel fully floated, mark the spot on the stock where the contact is, and after removing the barreled action again, you can remove material at the point of contact. A handy way is to use an extended socket of a similar (slightly smaller) diameter than the barrel channel and wrap some 150 grit or so sandpaper around it and run that back and forth. A dowel of the right size works too. Go slowly as you'll be surprised how little you need to remove. Don't round the edge of the barrel channel and the flat on top. Keep putting the gun back together and see if a pound note will slide between the barrel and the stock.


If you were bedding the action there is another trick, but this should help.


Good luck,



Edited by swift4me
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It might be as simple as undoing the action screws and doing them up again whilst holding the barrle in the middle of thh stock.


You wil need to re-zero tho' as your eye relationship to the 'scope will have changed slightly....


Absolutely, and as an aside it could be, as in my case, grass seeds or other detritus between barrel and stock :wub:

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