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topgunners and gary b


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I arranged a meet up with gary b to do a bit of pest control and as he was coming over straight from work, I decided to treat him to some home-made venison casserole.


Following that, we set off to do a bit of bunny and basil shooting.


We arrived at the first farm but not many rabbits were present so we popped next door onto a horse stables and the wind was picking up;very blustery, but we manged to drop 12 or so just before it got dark.


We then drove over to a farm where the farmer had rang me stating that he had 3 of his dogs all with mange and could I sort out the foxes for him.


We arrived just as it got dark and then set up in a barn on top of some bales. Unfortunately for us the wind was blowing into our faces making for a very cold night.


We had started calling and squeaking about 9.45pm and after an hour or so we spotted one coming down the path and then trying to find a way into the field opposite us but the wire fencing was all brand new and he kept walking back and forth around the fence. I had him in my sights for about 3-4mins but it wasn't a safe shot shooting through the fence and then he disappeared.



We lamped the three paddocks in front of us and Gary spotted one in the middle paddock with the sheep in. He had snook in from behind us under the only gate in the perimeter fencing. I failed at my first attempt as the safety was on. The fox started to walk away but Gary stopped it with another hand squeak and after flicking off the safety catch, I dropped it cleanly.







Right mangy vixen with virtually no tail and obviously in milk.


Then as we flashed around the surrounding fields I spotted the 1st fox (probably) coming towards us. Gary had been hand calling to good effect but as we changed positions on the bales the fox moved away out into the field.


We carried on calling for quite a while; in between drinking my bailey's coffee and the home-made chocolate cake, but he wasn't having none of it. So with an empty flask we picked up and then drove back to my house so Gary could get his motor and head off back to Brum.


Good night out .with a fair bit of sport and the craic as they say.


Have to stock up on my larder now,though.





Dave K



P.s I just got a phone call from the Farmer to say he shot 2 cubs sniffing around the body. Result.

Edited by Topgunners
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Top night Dave mate :yes: (the shooting was almost as good as the eating & drinking!!!!)


We saw another 2 charlies, but they didn't want to play ball... more work to be done yet :good:




And that's quite enough from you southern lot :hmm::lol:

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