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pigeon blinds

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after seeing these hides/blinds at the game fair and not buying one i have regretted it ever since as i cant seem to find one anywhere.


they are the type that have the folding frame and mesh fixed to them so it takes seconds to set up instead of messing around with poles etc.


can anybody help??

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My advice would be stick to a net and poles.

The preformed blinds/hides are not at all flexible and cannot be "shaped" to fit all hide situations.

They are also notoriously flimsy and will blow away in a breeze, unless you have them lashed down (which takes longer than setting up a normal hide).

They are also overly expensive for what they are.

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Tend to agree with Cranfield . I bought one a while ago and found it a little on the flimsey side . It was ok on a still dry day ,but blew about a bit in the slightest of wind . The zips were next to useless and the pop up frame was a real nightmare to collapse down . I tell you i did some swearing over that piece of kit ,oh and the rain just poured through it . Dont bother and save your money and buy some poles and nets . Its kept in the garden for my grandchildren to use as a tent ,its about all its good for and it cost me a hundred jim .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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its not the pop up tent kind. it ends up like how the net and pole version, just sets up with pulling the frame out and around. but if the oppinion is that nets and poles would be better then ill look into that.



Don't do it. I haven't seen one where the actual material is a decent camo design, and more often than not the material is also shiny. However light they are, they are still a lump to carry, even in their bags over the shoulder. They are cramped and hard to keep down on a very windy day.


Poles and a decent net are much more versatile; You can make the hide as big or as small as you like, and you can either get reversible nets which are two different colours so that you blend in with the background better, or you can have seasonal nets.


I think when you first start out these seem to be the best option, I did, and I bought one too. Having gone out with someone who used poles and a net though I quickly realised I made a mistake and got rid of it. Some people use and love them, but I think most pigeon shooters would opt not to have one.

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