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Chokes Patterns & Shot


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I'm going to have a rant,mate.


With regard to the performance of shotgun choke in the field we, in this country, are sadly let down by our shooting organisations. The only information readily available by and large originates from 1932 and to a degree, this is flawed.

A study undertaken a while ago reflected that shotgun external ballistics coincided with a particular well known theory. This new information when coupled with another phenomenon which was first detailed in a work on shotguns published in 1906 (ish) but overlooked in 1932 corrects the discrepancy mentioned above. Has anyone seen this new information in any publication by our organisations in a format that makes sense? No.


I'll bet my bottom dollar that if any members care to look at the effective range tables on the web site you identified we'll soon here from them.


Your referred site leads on to another which in my opinion is equally unhelpful except it does contain a titbit that might reflect that the author has read other work than Burrard.


However, the good news is that something may just change for the better. Lez, if you are interested, I'll put a note on this topic if it happens.



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Best way to work it out is with your gun, your prefered cartridges, through your chokes and a heap of old feed sacks. The most amazing I had was with my 10 bore(full &full) 70% with one cartridge and 90-95% with another, the second was buffered copper plated and the first not.

Get out there and get a feel for the combination, then get out there and hit some birds.

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