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Damn yanks what was it they said; over sexed, over paid and over here! Nothings changed...Come on here and steal our forum! :P


Lee your thread must take the Guiness Book of Records for the longest thread on PW and I don’t guess it’s over yet. Hope you're satisfied! :good:


They may say that, but isnt this refreshing :good: Is it over yet? Dont believe so.. I want you fine lads to see that not all Americans suck :lol:

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I do think this was a good thing to post. Y'all asked some really great questions, and others were rather humorous, or silly at best.. But it was interesting to see what areas were of interest? Food stuffs, The american war of northern agression, beer, buiscits and gravy, head gear, American gun laws, the list goes on. A few of you lads have spoken with me over the phone, or through numerous PM's, and Skype. And many of y'all stood up to chastize those that they felt may have been insulting? And a big thank you to them is in order, but remember i have a bloody thick hide. I do not allow what has been said bother me. At 43 i have seen most of the **** this great world has to offer. My greatest experience was going to war, a topic i will never discuss openly as it is too personal, though a few of you fime gentleman have caught me when i feeling rather down, only to be picked back up. That one experience alone has taught me to 'pick my battles', as those are the ones you will be sure to win.. What y'all can see by this thread is there are many different sorts of people that visit this forum. Mr. teel has a good thing here.. And those gentleman that have a hard time with we yanks? I am sorry, and i do respect your honesty, and opinion..




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A few quick thoughts:


America has the best and the worst the world has to offer. It's a great place to have money. But if you're poor - well, I'd rather be skint in the UK than the States.


I've always met only warm friendly people, who would always take an interest in you and who wanted to know if you were enjoying your visit to their country. US chicks' really "dig" Brit acents :good: and southern girls sound like they're asking to bed you, even if what they're actually saying is, "You want fries with that, Honey?". :P


They respect thier Armed Forces like nowhere else I've ever been and I like to bring over the States' system of locally elected Police, Judges and Bureaucrats et al. If they do a **** job, they're out of a job.

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If they are in your house can you just shoot them anyway? be rude not to :P


That is where it gets tricky? Do you feel threatened? Would be the watch word here.. As long as you do feel threatened you have teh right to protect, family, home & property..

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Lee, i shot the Classic a few years ago with a US Senator (texas) he said it would be ok as long as you drag the body back inside your house :P and dont leave it outside, some storys of Police officers dragging the body back in to stop the shooter being arrested?

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Lee, i shot the Classic a few years ago with a US Senator (texas) he said it would be ok as long as you drag the body back inside your house :good: and dont leave it outside, some storys of Police officers dragging the body back in to stop the shooter being arrested?


happens in eastern europe too... :P

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That is where it gets tricky? Do you feel threatened? Would be the watch word here.. As long as you do feel threatened you have teh right to protect, family, home & property..



It can be tricky as Lee said. Each state differs somewhat in what constitutes a threat, especially when it comes to defending property. It's a little clearer when it comes to defending people. For example where I live:


If someone enters my home (2 floors) and my family and I are on the top floor and they intruder is on the bottom floor stealing things, it is considered that he is not a threat to me or my family because we are a safe distance away. Now the letter of law may read that he has invaded my home and I can defend my home but in reality shooting someone for taking my grandmother's silverware would not go over too well. It could be argued that I put myself in danger by going downstairs and confronting the intruder. However, if the intruder were to come upstairs to where me and my family are, and approach us the story changes and would likely end with Mr. Home Invader getting a case of lead poisoning.


It's not as cut and dry as you would think. If this were to happen, the police aren't just going to show up and say "Good show old boy" and carry the miscreant away. You'd be questioned, possibly detained till all the facts are verified, your weapon becomes evidence and you'll likely never see it again, not to mention the fact of possible taking a life. On top of all that it's not unheard of for the intruder or his family bringing a civil suit against you seeking monetary damages for wrongful death, bodily harm, mental distress.


Not to make the conversation too heavy, but lest you get them impression that life in the US is like a John Wayne movie, I just wanted to give some insight.

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Do people move to different States just to avoid certain types of tax :P


If you are banned from driving in one state can you drive in another :good:


Why have you got so many damn snakes :good: and do they go into the towns?



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Do people move to different States just to avoid certain types of tax :P


If you are banned from driving in one state can you drive in another :good:


Why have you got so many damn snakes :lol: and do they go into the towns?




Yes you can go to states like Delaware, Florida & Alaska, where you dont pay an income tax, and other certain taxes, and tax breaks.. If you lose you license in one state you cant drive in another.. I Killed a water mocassin last weekend in my back yard.. Thought nothing of it, and snakes are everywhere.. And never shoot an intruder in the back, and never shoot them more than twice :good:

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Do people move to different States just to avoid certain types of tax :P


Yes. For example, Delaware, just south of me has no sales tax. New Jersey to the east of me has the highest property taxes in the nation. It's a consideration for a lot of people.


If you are banned from driving in one state can you drive in another :good:


No, your driver's license is issued by the state you reside in so if it's revoked, you're walking.


Why have you got so many damn snakes :good: and do they go into the towns?


I wish I knew. I hate snakes. Yes they do come into towns. It's more a problem in the west where you have poisonous snakes. There aren't nearly as many in the east where I live.

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Do you get value for money with your local taxes? are your bins/trash emptied weekly or fortnightly as ours are :P


Trash pick up every Wednesday morning, and goes for our road up keep, walking trails & paths, road side garbage pick up, food banks, etc..

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That is where it gets tricky? Do you feel threatened? Would be the watch word here.. As long as you do feel threatened you have teh right to protect, family, home & property..


Can you ask Obama if he wants to buy the UK...


We can't even sneeze at the crims here..

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Can you ask Obama if he wants to buy the UK...


We can't even sneeze at the crims here..


I was thinking about attaching a tow rope and pulling y'all over and attaching you off the coast of South Carolina.. :P Throw away the undesireables while you are crossing the pond please :good:

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Do you get value for money with your local taxes? are your bins/trash emptied weekly or fortnightly as ours are :P



Depends on where you live. Each community is different. I live in a small community and the snow removal is good, roads are OK. Schools are HORRIBLE.


Trash pickup every Tuesday and Friday. But I pay a trash bill, it's not included in my taxes. It's $89 a quarter.

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I was thinking about attaching a tow rope and pulling y'all over and attaching you off the coast of South Carolina.. :P Throw away the undesireables while you are crossing the pond please :good:



You get the rope attached and I'll help ya pull Lee. :good:

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