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Decoying over clover

Guest topshot_2k

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Guest topshot_2k

As we mainly have OSR and wheat on nearby farms the pigeons are hammering the clover on our farm, i have found where the main flightline from woods is but they seem to feed in the middle of the field so natural cover is a bit limited.


Has anyone got any tips for decoying on clover? anyone had any decent bags?






title is ment to be CLOVER!

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Pigeons love clover, the best option if your farmer would agree, is a bale hide right in the middle, but failing that, don't be frightend to put a net hide up. I know it will stick out like a soar thumb, but i have done this many times and it works, if you dress it up with a bit of greenery and can keep still when birds come you will get some shooting. Try it and let us know.


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Its no different with clover, as any other crop IMO.

If the birds are feeding away from the cover, you have to move to them, or decoy them to you.


If you put your decoys where they can see them when they enter the field, they will usually come and have a look.


On one of my permissions, I have a large meadow with only a wire fence round it, so there is no margin cover at all, but it does have a power line crossing the field with two telegraph poles across the field.

I often set up a low hide (shooting sitting down), with my back to the pole and do very well.

When the Farmer leaves the hay spinner in the field, I have moved that nearer the middle and used it as the backdrop for my hide.

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Guest topshot_2k

yea i thought about a hide along the fenceline in the middle of the field but the pigeons still seem pretty wary and i didnt know if it would put them off. There is a telegraph pole, i could try setting up next to that :good:


do you use the usual decoy patterns, as they seem to feed close together?



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I've shot over clover a few times where there is no natural cover.

Just do as has been suggested and put the hide on the fence line but under the flight line and you should be OK.

It worked for me with a very simple decoy setup, no mag, no flappers or anything.







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If you are setting up in the middle of the field that's perfect as you can direct the woodies in the direction you want them to come in. If you can add a backdrop to your hide it would be better, some extra netting if you have it or we use green tarpulin; If you can add a bit of a roof to your hide it would be even better again. Most importantly sit very still as the birds will be able to see you if you are not under a roof.


If it were me I'd set up so the wind is hitting me in the back so that the birds come in straight towards me giving me the easiest shot. You can try the classic V shape decoy pattern or even put them in two bunched up groups, each bird to be about 1 yard apart and leave 10 - 15 yeards between the two groups. The birds will want to land between the two groups. If you can add a bouncer/floater to one side and about 15 yards out as though it is coming in to land between the groups that will be even better.


Don't be scared to change things around if you see they are not playing though. Different things work on different days.


Good luck and let us know how you get on with some pictures of the set up etc.

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Guest topshot_2k

Good stuff thanks for the replies. Yes i have got 2 stealth camo nets and an ex-army net so i should be able to construct a reasonable hide, i also have 2 of chris greens floaters so will use them.


Yes i will post up how i get on, got 9days off this month so hopefully be few outings :good:

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