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A good week


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Went to one of my local clay shooting grounds last Saturday for a couple of rounds. The ground is on a 600 acre farm, and run by the farmer. After shooting i was having a chat and asked if he had any problems with pigeons. It turns out he has a couple of lads who come down occasionally but will give me a shout next time he has a problem. I shot a 49/50 on the skeet and a 45/50 on the compact sporting, so all in all not a bad morning!!


Wednesday evening i had an 'interview' for my local wildfowling club and was accepted as a new member. It was more of an informal chat really and the guys conducting it couldn't have been nicer. They have 10 marshes and over 7000 acres of woodpigeon shooting. All for the princely sum of £3.75 a week in membership fees and BASC membership :no: Suffice to say my paperwork's in the post and as soon as i get my membership card i'm going to be pretty busy, and no doubt pretty poor too!! Lots of gear to get before September :yes:


Well that was my week, and i have to say i'm sat here now at stupid o'clock in the morning and i'm as happy as Larry!! :blink:

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Big Thug

Check out the BASC website for your local club, or do a Google search :yes:



Yes, Colchester Wildfowlers and Conservation Club. You a member?



I'm guessing the Marauders are Mersea Wildfowlers? I didn't think the price was too bad as it includes BASC membership, (which i didn't have), so if you take that out of the equation it works out about £2.50 a week. :bye2: Got to say i'm really looking forward to it :good:

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Poontang, yer i'm a member of CWCC, have been for 5 years now, a good crowd also, off on to one of the permissions on monday (peas) hopeully have a good day weather permitting!!

you usually bump into a Mersea 'LOST' fowler when your on our marshes!!


Good luck


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Poontang, yer i'm a member of CWCC, have been for 5 years now, a good crowd also, off on to one of the permissions on monday (peas) hopeully have a good day weather permitting!!

you usually bump into a Mersea 'LOST' fowler when your on our marshes!!


Good luck




Nothing lost about it, we know exactly where we are.


And on whose marshes? Oh yes the underhand dealings that got you marshes that were ours. Never mind, you keep paying for them and we will let you know how they shoot.




The marauders are not Mersea Wildfowlers we are just a group of people who enjoy wildfowling. We are often afloat and perfectly legal. The colchester boys don't like it but that is life.

Edited by MC
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