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Ted's first retrieve


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After a spell away from the farm due to puppy commitments, I decided I would take advantage of the nice weather and some early work finishes to go out and shoot some bunnies. For a change though, I decided to take Ted with me to get hime some proper work.


So, after 30 minutes walking and one failed shot at a magpie (How do they know when you are pulling the trigger?), I was feeling a little bit glum. True, Ted had been walking very nicely at heel for over a mile, and it was also a lovely evening, but apart from two hares (off my quarry list) there was nothing about. Luckily, we ended up at a copse that always has some rabbits round it.


I saw one, but it legged it into the long grass before I could get the .17 to my shoulder and Ted scented ad flushed another. Bless him, he ran all of two steps before stopping, so maybe that lesson took. Round the corner though was another story. A good sized doe was sunning on the lip of a ditch as I came round, so I dropped to the floor, put crosshairs on head and sent it on its way.


As soon as I saw it drop, I called for Ted (sitting patiently about five yards behind me, which was another first as he is normally quite active) and sent him off. After a bit of faffing (insisting on hunting for the rabbit in the wheat when it was in the open, he saw it and collected it. Then dropped it and looked at it. Then picked it up again, brought it over to me and dropped it at my feet. No fuss, no fighting over it, nothing. Bless his little cotton socks.


Anyway, here he is looking a bit proud of himself, and rightly so. Hell, I'm proud of him!



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He was still looking pleased with himself this morning and worked well on his morning walk.


I might get him out again tonight and see what happens, but I am still really wary of using the shotgun around him, even after seeing him work around the stands at my local clay shoot, so I might just stick with the HMR for a while.

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