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Pellets ........... do you wash and lube yours ?

Salop Matt

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Okay folks strange question here but iv just been on a HFT website and read about people washing and lubing there pellets <_< Is this normal and does it make any noticable difference ? Iv always just opened the tin and loaded them and shot them without any issue and have always had good accuracy ! Is washing and lubeing pellets something i should be doing or is this just nonsence that people like to go through with no real benifit to the shooting or air gun ? :hmm:

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I've tried Napier pellet lube, first tin I put too much in (anything more than about 3 drops to a tin of 500 is too much) and the gun (Gamo Whisper X .22 Spinger) dieselled like a beeyotch.


I read somewhere that they are more intended for PCP but they do coat the pellet well (even a couple of drops) but I guess in theory that's not such a great thing. All that lovely lead dust that's supposed to lube your barrel ends up all over your hands instead. Washing pellets would achieve the same thing, i.e. wash all the lead dust off so I never wash mine and have stopped using the pellet lube.

Edited by Colster
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Yes! I do and It makes a differance to my gun scores in compation, have beaten rim fire rifles at 20 meters.


Wash in hot soapy water, tin of 500 pellets into a dip jar with a couple of drops of washingup liquid+hot water, a very gentle swirl and drain off in an old seive and rince with more hot water and then tip on to several sheets of kitchen roll and leave to dry by the fire.


When the pellets are dry I spoon a few pellets into an oily rag which is oiled with wilco's own brand 3 in 1 oil and shuffle them about in the oily rag so as not to over lub the pellet, too much lub effects the balance of the pellets so you defeat the object of the exercise which is were most people go wrong, Naiper pre lubed pellets sometimes suffer from this.

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You will find that some of the Hft and Ft guys also weigh all their pellets and if they find a good one will buy a whole matched batch, some American airgunners have all sorts of magic potions they mix to coat their pellets, suppose it all depends how serious you want to shoot/compete.


I did wash and lube some Bisley Magnums once and then cronod the gun with them, to be honest there was an increase in ft/lb and fps, suppose you could go over 12ft/lb if you dont do regular power checks.


I have a Bsa Scorpion in which I use pellets lubed with PL9 lube and I have a Bsa Ultra Multishot in which I dont use any lube as I dont want it getting into the magazine, I dont think the rats notice the difference though :oops: .


I did read some where that some of the newer pellets already have a coating on them so dont need any lube, but which ones and how true I dont know.


As mentioned in a previous post, lube is best used in pcp guns, putting any liquid in the barrel of a spring gun is a big no no :look:

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