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6.5 x 55


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I was just looking at the balistics of the 6.5 x 55, as I am thinking on moving up a caliber and am really stuck on the 7mm-08 as so many people say becuase of the high BC compared to some other rounds ithas very high penetration, and at 100yds the 140 grainers are doing like 2300fps...and are doing 1700Ft/Lbs.


And at 200yds its even worse, it seems the only real benefit it has over the .243 is that it has hevier bullets and more penetration and "drop" ability on the larger deer.



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How much power do you need to kill a deer at 100 yards . I once killed a white tail buck in the states clean with a 357 magnum revolver at 50 yards . I knocked it down with the first shot to the heart and lungs and to make sure i walked up and shot it in the neck . Competant pistol hunters in the states will kill deer clean at 100 yards . No where near the power of the centre fire rifle .

Harnser .

Edited by Harnser
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I have a 6.5x55 and have been very pleased with it. I have recently had the pleasure of using a friends 7mm-08 and can honestly say there is very little difference in felt recoil between them. The only caveat with the 7mm-08 is that being a short action, you cannot use the larger weight bullets that you could through the 7x57 which the -08 was built to replace. A bit like the .260 and the 6.5x55. If you want light and fast, the short action is the way to go. I wanted the choice of bullet weight.


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the 6.5 120 gr Amax has a .465 BC. The 7mm 140 gr Amax has the same. So it comes down to can you drive them at the same speed from their respective cartridges. I don't know personally as I don't have either gun. But I have to think that within 400 yards a deer isn't going to know the difference. I think this is another 270 vs 280 vs 30-06 discussion as they happen on the US boards all the time. Pick the one you like (for whatever reason) and run with it.




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the 7mm08 may have a slight advantage on power but definatley not in acuracey i have been reading competition shooters are finding the 6.5 is more acurate at longer ranges then even the 308, i am competing and using the 303 british, 6.5 swede and the 7.5 swiss in competitions and i am falling in love with the 6.5 and in a hunting aplication the deer sized game animal will not know the difference if anything the 6.5 will give you the advantage of acuracey further out then a 7mm08

with a old swedish mauser 1896 with diopter sites on competition shoots i have gottn 4-8 inch groups in the bullseye at 300m free hand unsuported my best being 3.7 inches just my 2 cents 6.5 one of the best acurate cartridges and enough zip to go culling :hmm:

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