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Stubble shooting ,an observation .


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If you find any Harnser, please send some this way...


All week i've been putting in the time and effort to find them - and so far... Nothing worth setting up for!


2 Weeks ago, You could count them in the near hundreds dropping into tramlines and laid wheat - This week Nothing!


Don't worry Matey, I've got several fields under observation.


There's plenty about at the moment, it's all a matter of doing a thorough job with the recce's. :crazy:



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Be careful driving over the rape stubble . when i had come off the rape stubble I shot today I could hear something dragging under the disco ,I stopped and had a look underneath the car and found a load of rape straw caught up over the rear axel of the disco . Took me half an hour to cut it all free . This straw is pretty tough and could cause damage to the under side of your car . I normally try to drive across the field were the straw has been cut at its lowest .

Harnser .

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I have always been wary of driving over rape stubble in dry conditions ( fat chance of that this year ) . Its so tough I have thought it might give me a puncture. Anyone ever had that trouble ?

It dont half clean all the mud off under the car .

Harnser .

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was greasing the 4x4 drive shaft this morning - having driven over rape stubble the last few days, the entire underside of my Frontera is all shiny!

I can remember several years ago i had taken my car (a morris marina estate ) for an MOT and the tester said to me ,i have never seen such a clean car underneath ,did you clean it up for the MOT . I didnt know what he was on about untill i got home and had a look underneath . The whole of the car underneath was sparkling clean and all the exposed metal parts were shining like they had been polished . I suddenly realised it was down to driving around the barley stubbles .

Harnser .

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