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Harvested Peas


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Me and dad went out today and when we got to the Farm the farmer was already out harvesting the wheat with his 3 combines but when we stopped off to see how he was getting on he told us he had already combined the peas and there were a few birds going on to the fields.


So we went round to our main field that had a small wood with a flight pond in the middle of it and there were already a few hundred birds going on to it. We set up at the end of the wood and within an hour we had shot 50 pigeons and they were still coming in.

We had a couple of light showers during the day but not enough to worry the birds or to stop the farmer combining.

The birds kept coming in for another couple of hours before they stopped flighting into our field and we had finnished with 112 pigeons, 1 Jay, 2 crows and 5 doves.













Edited by MerseaDavid
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