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Baretta 682 Gold E


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My Brother-Out-Law has taken a fancy to my 682 Gold E and wants to buy mine. It's only had about 1500 through it and is in A1 condition.


And, to tell the truth, I should have got an 686 instead as I do a bit of game as well as clays. 682 is a bit non-game, if you follow my meaning.


so, the question that I would like to put to the panel is - if you've got a 686 which one have you got and what do you think of it?


New models - Silver Pigeon 2 and Onyx - only apply and I'm 6' 2"!


Thanks for the help!



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i have a 687 silver pigeon II optima 30" sporting and i would not trade it for the world. i shoot alot of clays and the gun is equally effective on flying game. the gun patterns well and it smokes clays and is a game killer. the 682, 687,686 are all essentially the same basic action and internal parts. i am around 6'-2" and the gun fits me well. my shorter friends at my clays club seem to think the gun a tad long for them. anyhow--if you like the feel of your 682 you will like the other berettas as well.

Edited by deadeye
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My Baretta that I really do like is my AL390 semi-auto. Should be marketed as the never-miss shotgun!


Not really looked at a 687. I find the 682 a tad clumsy.


Have you tried a 686?



yes, i have owned and shot the beretta 686. in terms of feel and basic mechanics, the 686, 687, and 682 are all the same (it their essence and essentials) all the same gun. what differs is the trim so to speak. i personally went with the 687

silver pigeon II optima sporting because i shoot alot of clays and like to engage in pass shooting birds of different sorts. it is back bored and has the optima chokes. if you go with the 686, i don't think that it will have feature. generally speaking the cosmetics may not be quite as nice. thats all the difference that exist. the 682 has a palm swell in the stock. replaceable barrel shoulders(something that is practically never replaced and is no wear point on the gun) a vented barrel(which to me is just something else to have to clean and baby and a general pain in the ***) and an adjustable trigger(something else to over complicate a field gun) and a shiny finish and exaggerated wood checkering which feels good in the hand. otherwise they are all the same gun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a beretta 686E 30" m/c. when I bought it it shot very high and i had the comb taken down and the rubbish recoil pad changed for a proper one. I also had to take it back to GMK and have the trigger group rebuilt as the trigger pulls were awfull and my gunsmith could not get them crisp or under 5lb and they flucktuated on one barrel which was unaceptable for any type of shooting. Gmk replaced the trigger group in my gun completely as they said it was faulty. Now the gun shoots fine and I quite like it. It is also not backed bored and that i also like for game and vermain shooting. It not quite up to the build quallity of the old 686 they have certainly got worse over the years.

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